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Fine Love Dolls
Existence can get repetitive. Many people spend every day the same way. They climb out of bed, shower, have a quick breakfast, go to work, work, commute back to the house, eat dinner, watch their favorite streaming service, and go back to bed. As a youngster, it seems awesome. Total freedom. But soon, life and the nature of time begin taking their toll on us. We are faced with an eternal march toward an inescapable and unenviable death.
Sex Makes Life Worth Living
What activities can insert joy into the monotony of everyday existence? Intercourse. Fucking. Doing the dirty. Only sex can frost the cake of monotony with joy. Fucking never gets tiresome. No matter how much I have it, no matter how many times I cum, I still want more. I'll never be truly sated. Only death will quell my erection once and for all.
There are so many styles of boning. I'm not just talking about the countless positions it can be had in. I'm thinking of all of the many fetishes, orifices, and toys available, amongst other things. If it weren't for bitches, I wouldn't be the satisfied perv I am.
Unfortunately, not even the sluttiest of whores wants to jump on that wretched pinkie toe you call a penis. Your johnson is entangled in a forlorn existence where you are the only person giving it any attention or love. Every morning your depressed dick looks up at you and pleads for an early death.
You attempt to substitute a vagina with a pocket pool, but it's never satisfying enough. While intercourse never loses its allure, spanking the monkey can. It's a shitty circumstance because meat beating remains compelling for people who regularly get their fuck on. However, for dip shits like yourselves with no sex life, daily meat beating can be laborious. It's just another part of the day, no more enjoyable than a shower or taking a piss.
That's why I'm here to help you mix things up with sex dolls from Fine Love Dolls. Sex dolls are a superb way to add zing to your daily ball draining. However, I'm not just talking about any dex dolls. I'm talking about one of the best variants of sex dolls: anime.
Hands Deserve Respect
Listen, with all the exertion the male hand expends in the name of making their owners cum, I don’t want to trash the appendage. My hands have put in a fuck load of backbreaking work for me and my penis over the decades. No matter how exhausted they were from the day before, my hands wade back into the tides to deliver another beating to my manhood.
They are familiar with all of my favorite moves, such as the reverse, the two-handed slammer, the tip tickle, the peek-a-boo, the cigarette, and the triple lindy belly flop. Unlike a running back coming off their rookie contract, my hands never lost speed, dexterity, or stamina. They've never abandoned me, and they still arrive on game day, no matter what.
My hands kept pleasuring my wang when I cut the tip of my finger off while chopping a bell pepper. They battled through half a dozen wrist strains and sprains. They even found a way to make me cum when faced with road rash on my palms. My hands are modern icons. One day man will build statues in their name.
With that said, it’s not disrespectful to want more out of life than your hands. Just because you want to jab your cock in an anime-themed sex doll purchased from Fine Love Dolls doesn’t mean you don’t respect the efforts your hand puts in. No matter how many sex dolls I buy from Fine Love Dolls, I still return to my trusty palm.
My palms are always there for me. I can’t bone my sex doll while waiting in line at the deli, but I can stroke my cock through my pocket perfectly fine. I can’t say enough good things about my hands, yet, I keep returning to sex dolls. My dog can't live on one hole alone.
There are more sex dolls on the market than one person can count. Unfortunately, most fucking suck balls, and not in a good way. They are difficult to keep tidy, require too much lube, scrape the penis, or break after two uses.
Many cross what is known as the uncanny valley. The uncanny valley is the notion that people find dolls or robots that resemble humans cuter and cuter, up to a certain point of authenticity, where the doll suddenly becomes creepy.
Think of a haunted doll in a horror flick. Do you want to stick your cock in Chucky? Probably not. Although, I'm not going to lie. I did want to fuck the bitch that crawls out of the TV in The Ring. If I had a doll of that bitch, I would fuck it.
A Fine Product
You never have to worry about that shit on Fine Love Dolls. First off, the quality is superb. The dolls are well-built and ready to take a pounding. They are constructed to be used and abused. You don't have to treat the dolls on Fine Love Dolls like fragile flowers. You can treat them like cement blocks with a built-in Fleshlight.
The things I've done to my sex dolls would kill most living women. They've been beaten, slammed, plowed, defenestrated, decapitated, and deflowered with all manner of phallic objects. No matter what I do, they're always ready for another round.
The uncanny valley isn't a concern for anime-themed sex dolls because they aren't designed to look human. They're designed to look like a living cartoon character, and I'd say that Fine Love Dolls got the look perfect. You'll forget you're not a cartoon character yourself.
Just wait until you get to fuck your anime sex doll while watching hentai. It'll break your brain. You'll never leave the house again. You should fill your fridge with groceries before the doll arrives. Otherwise, you'll forget to eat until you pass out while still balls-deep in Sailor Moon's asshole. I'd hate for your mom to find you as such.
Make sure you know what you are signing up for before buying a sex doll. Fine Love Dolls ensure finding your perfect anime-themed sex doll is fun, affordable, and arousing.
Don't Grocery Shop on an Empty Stomach
First off, I recommend masturbating before you order your doll. It's the same idea as not grocery shopping while hungry. Your brain will have you buying shit you neither need nor can afford.
Once your balls are empty for the time being, click the link at the bottom of the article. That will take you to the search results for "anime." There are well over one hundred and fifty options to choose from, so take your time. This is an important purchase. Perhaps the most important purchase you'll ever make.
Down the left side is an extensive filter to help you narrow your options down from over one hundred and fifty to only one. It allows you to filter by Height, Brand, Material, Ethnicity, Gender, Body type, Breast size, Hair color, Eye color, Bust size, Waist size, Hip size, Weight, and Price.
The Cost of Doing Business
I know that price tags hang heavily over my reader's heads. I'm not going to lie to you. Purchasing sex dolls is an investment in your pleasure. They aren't cheap. If you're really hard up for cash, stick with cock sleeves. Prices on Fine Love Dolls range from fifteen hundred to three thousand bucks.
Can you buy sex dolls on other sites for less than fifteen hundred dollars? Absolutely? Do you want to? Absolutely not. Don't bother spending anything less than fifteen hundred on a sex doll unless you want to scar your manhood. If you're going to stick your cock in something, it's best to be confident in that thing's quality. I don't take risks with my dick. I need it in tip-top shape for the rest of my life.
Ebony fans will need to look elsewhere. All the anime-themed dolls are white or Asian. However, some of these bitches have black asses. If you like them thick, you'll find the proper lady for you. If you like them skinny, you'll find the right lady too. These guys have everything.
Anime-themed sex dolls are perfect for adding some spice to your masturbation sessions. A man can't live on his hand alone, so why try? Call in an audible and feel something new in your life.
The only thing missing from Fine Love Dolls are ebony anime dolls. I like black hentai bitches as much as any other. It's all about variety for me.
Start customizing your order on Fine Love Dolls this instant. There's no reason to wait.
+Wide price range
+Excellent filters
-No ebony hentai dolls
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