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Nozomi is an interesting name for a website that has piqued my curiosity, its content has aroused my peen, and its design has disappointed me. That combination of features makes me think that Nozomi is a fitting name for this website. If that seemingly contradictory series of descriptors has you interested as well, then read the rest of this review. By the time you get to the end, this introduction will all make sense.
The Tags Tell You A Lot About The Site
When it comes to text, there is practically known. Other than titles, none of the picture posts have a form of description. The best you get is a series of linked tags. Fortunately, they work wonders at getting you access to lots of other related erotica. The quality is quite exceptional no matter the style, and there is lots of it, too. In fact, each page has sixty-four thumbnails, and there are over three hundred and fifty thousand of them.
Most of them are images, but there is a good amount of manga as well.
One thing that I find to be very impressive is all of the manga on this platform. It would be nicer if it were organized better, but if you can find an artist who has uploaded a panel of their work, their profile should contain links to far more samples of their work. The best way to find some would be by simply plugging 'manga' into the search engine, but I did find a few profiles you can look into.
User Jadenkaiba has a fine collection of manga panels and over two dozen pages of single-image erotica. Motoko has a little bit of manga, though it is censored. However, if you are into the Ghost in the Shell franchise, you might want to give these erotic spoofs a look. Hiki has a neat style and seems to be developing a series of deviant original characters doing dirty deeds.
If you are into parody porn, user 山本同人 (AKA Yamamoto Doujin) has produced a ton of spins on Dragon Ball porn and other famous series. I used one of the few search tools to check results by popularity, and it looks like the visitors enjoyed this artist's work the most. And as of now, there are eleven pages of porn by this one user.
It'll be a little hard to find others, but if you search around enough, you'll find even more juicy material.
You Might Need To Translate Each Page
Another strange thing about this website is how it deals with language. The tags are extremely helpful and all. In fact, they are the only way to get around this website and find what you are looking for. However, depending on the page, you'll end up seeing tags in both English and Japanese. It is not a problem since I have found the average browser can translate them either way. Still, it is a little strange that you constantly have to toggle your browser to make the site more manageable.
I Have So Many Notes On How To Improve This Website
Much to my surprise, this site looks quite good on all net-accessible devices. Furthermore, it runs well on different browsers and is completely advertisement free. I bring that up because the web design is absolutely awful. It fook a serious amount of digging to find artists, categories, and the other aspects I have detailed because almost no effort was put into making this website navigable. The same is true for making the site look appealing at all. In order to attract and retain more viewers, Nozomi, at the very least, needs to make the following improvements.
Create More Pages – I don't think that every website necessarily needs a landing page, but this one does. I think this is the case because this artistic website could use some build-up. I mean an introduction page that says something like, "STOP! This website contains terabytes of naughty anime nudity. Are you sure you want to proceed?" or something like that. Something to entice a visitor to stay a while and surf around.
What this site desperately needs is a means to neatly find specific types of porn and who produced it. There are a hell of a lot of tags if you click on one art page after another. But the Nozomi main page only lists about twenty of them. Moreover, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. I honestly do not know because I can only infer from clicking on one page of artwork and counting the tags I do not recognize.
Beyond that, since there are so many forms of drawn erotica, this website could stand to have a separate category page as well.
Advanced Search Option – It is a real shame that a website that has hundreds of thousands of pages of artwork does not make it easier to find anything. That does not mean that the search engine is broken. For the most part, it works wonderfully.
However, it is deeply frustrating when you type in a term like "Kenshin" and see that there are more than 183,000 hits for the recommended term "genshin_impact." Then when you search for what a normal person would search for, "Kenshin impact," there are only a couple of pages of results. Even more strangely, a linked tag after you search for the previously mentioned term "genshinimpact" yields two dozen pages of results.
Who designed this website? An AI and a half-drunk engineer who took a half-semester course on web design?
There are often additional related search terms, though they are confusing since most are combined words or all underscored and often redundant. And you can only pick one search term at a time.
However this website came to be, there need to be more ways to tailor a search. Besides plugging in a term, I want to see options to sort results by date and artists. That would be a good start. It would also be nice to add additional tags to look for since some searches are going to get you an overwhelming number of returns.
I would add that I would like to see an option to search for posts by popularity, but there is not a feedback option or social terms of any kind. Given the effort put into these posts, it would be cool if the webmaster added a rating and comments section for upload pages. You know, like every other website like this on the internet?
Create An Artist Directory – With so much art and so many respective artists, there needs to be more than a simple link in a piece of art's webpage. And yeah, that is the only way to find an artist other than already knowing their name and searching for it. It does not make things any easier since some names are hard as hell to remember.
For example, one of the manga artists I really do like has a handle which is pixie id 7813671. Yes, that inexplicably confusing series of letters and numbers are their actual username. Then there are others which render in Japanese characters like コユミ. Read in English as Koyumi; you can click on a link if you find it on an artwork page. However, if you search for the name in Japanese or Latin characters, you will not find anything.
This also applies to certain character names as well, which include other characters like bb (fate). So not only does there need to be an artist directory, but there should also be a way to find specific characters. Preferably the web designer would include a thumbnail of said character to make casual scrolling and selecting easier for the viewer.
Add A Contact Option – Another way viewers can support the artists and see even more wank worthy content would be by contacting them for a commission. Some of the users I have already mentioned have the tag 'commission' on their profile. Of course, there is no way to message them or even leave a comment on their uploads. This is another simple fix that needs to be addressed.
Add Some Damn Flourish – For a website that serves to promote the work of erotic artists, there has been practically no effort put into the aesthetics of this site. There is a boring black and white banner with some hentai girls at the top, and that is it. Other than that, there are thumbnails of the artwork, blue hyperlinks, and black text on a grey background. How ironic that a pro-erotica art site does not itself look sexy in the slightest?
Further, I would add related picture thumbnails with links under each picture page. This is standard for other adult websites, whether they are sex tubes, NSFW video game arcades, or porno picture platforms. Again, why are standard website features absent here?
Nozomi Has A Lot Of Potential, But It Terribly Needs TLC
Congrats to all of you who went through the entire review. Now, you understand why I opened this article the way I did, and you should make sense of why I like the site's name. In Japanese, Nozomi is a name which, depending on the way that it is written, can mean "wishful fascination," "hopeful beauty," or "satisfy." A simpler spelling can also mean "hope" or "rare," but all of these readings seem to be applicable.
I find the artwork to consistently be more than satisfactory. I am wishful that this fascinating collection of carnal artwork is improved for the sake of the artists and the viewers. If the suggestions I made are taken seriously, then I'll bump up my score for this website. Until then, I am giving Nozomi.la three hands.
What I Like About Nozomi
-There are tens of thousands of hits for single search terms
-You will find a fantastic number of genres of erotic anime
-Besides single images, they have a series of hentai
-The quality of the cartoons is incredibly impeccable
-Amazingly, the mobile version is quite well optimized
What I Hate About Nozomi
-They need to add a category page for the huge collection
-There should be better search options
-The web designer needs to include a way to find artists
-It would be nice to see recommended posts
-There is no real effort put into aesthetics
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