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Jab Archives
Ah, man, why did they have to put so much stuff in one place? They made it very obvious that The Jab Archives is about animated stuff, but they didn't have to cover every inch of space with something. There's just too much stuff on the home page and on other pages as well, so navigation on this place isn't as easy as it should be.
Once you come to the site, you'll see that this place is an adult art community. I'm not sure if calling this type of art hentai is correct, but I think we all know what to expect. You'll see animated characters do all kinds of stuff. Sometimes, they'll fuck; other times, you'll see something freaky like a girl running around with a chainsaw, killing as many zombies as she can. is a free site, and they plan on keeping it like that. However, in order to do that, they ask people to contribute by donating as much as they can. So, if you want to enjoy a ton of art of this sort for free, you might want to think about donating a few bucks. You don't have to, but it certainly would help.
New stuff every day
I like that these artists add something new every day. I looked back at the uploads from the last month, and there was something new almost every day. There were a couple of days when no one added anything, but it seems like that doesn't happen often.
Sometimes, you'll find a couple of daily uploads, and other times, you'll find just one. I think you can't really count on some specific upload schedule because it all depends on the artists. If they feel like creating new stuff, they'll upload it. If they want to take a break, then you'll have to wait before they change their minds. This is pretty normal for free sites.
Now, these galleries are not like your usual ones. If you're used to seeing stuff that's somehow connected, you'll have to adapt to something new. Why? Well, even though these galleries have multiple images, it seems like these are random pictures. You'll see one thing in the beginning, and after a couple of images, you'll see something completely different.
Of course, there are galleries that are about only one thing. For example, there was a story of some chick running around the town killing zombies with a chainsaw. Once she killed every last one of them, she decided to treat herself with some tight pussy. I guess you'll figure out what type of gallery you're about to see when you open it.
Nearly 20,000 galleries
Artists on The Jab Archives have done a pretty good job when it comes to uploading. There are around 19,000 galleries at the moment, but I don't doubt that number will cross the 20k mark pretty soon. Well, if they keep up the current upload rate, it might not be as soon as I'd want to, but you get the point. There's a lot of stuff that will keep you busy for quite a while.
The first upload was at the beginning of 2014, which means this place has been around for nearly 10 years. They say the site has been up and running since 1995, but if that's true, where the fuck are uploads from back then?
The quality has definitely increased since then, so you can expect to find plenty of good stuff here. However, you should also prepare yourself for some galleries that kind of suck. They're not bad, but when you compare them to the latest ones, they kind of are.
It's nice that they added a ton of stuff, but here's where we run into a big problem. They completely forgot about the features. It's almost like there are no features at all!
How to find specific art?
It pains me to say this, but you're going to have to waste a lot of time to find something specific, especially if it was added a while ago. You're going to have to do a lot of scrolling if you want to find something specific. So, if I had to choose between this place and some other place, the chances are I wouldn't stick around.
As much as I like this collection because of the size and the variety of content, I just can't waste too much time going through pages hoping I'll find something. No one has time to do shit like that.
I said that there are no features, and I kind of really meant it. Even though there's a search bar that'll help you find art of specific artists, I'm not sure how much it's going to help you.
If you have heard of some artists, then this feature will help you. However, if you are new to this place, and have no fucking idea what to look for, then this feature becomes pointless. They could have added the basic search that would look for tags or some shit like that, but they didn't.
Galleries aren't tagged
There are no tags or categories here whatsoever. All the information you have is in the title. Sometimes, you'll get some information, and other times, you won't get anything. For example, what would you expect from a gallery named "029_Onsen"? That's right, you don't expect anything because this combination of numbers and letters is meaningless!
Downloads are available
I realized that I can download images, but here's the thing: you can download individual images. You can't download complete galleries at once. That kind of sucks. Who would willingly waste time downloading 60 or so images one by one? That just makes no sense.
If you come across something you like, you can download it even without an account. However, why would you waste time doing so when you can check it out on the site again whenever you want? However, since finding something on is pretty hard, I would understand why someone decides to download something. It's easier to find it on your computer than to go through a ton of pages on the site.
I like that they added the slideshow option. You can choose a gallery, press play, and enjoy the pictures while they switch. Even though this seems nice, it would be much more useful if all of the images were connected. Looking at a bunch of images at random just doesn't make sense to me.
I guess using this feature is better than doing the work manually. I told you what you can do so you can decide whether you're going to take advantage of this feature or not.
The last thing this place has is the forum. To be honest, the forum looks better to me because it's not too crowded. You don't have a ton of thumbnails everywhere, so it's easier to find something. However, they decided to go with the light theme for the forum. How the fuck can they mess everything up?
Anyway, you know what a forum is meant for. You can get into discussions about art or something else that's related to this place. Basically, you can do anything as long as it's following the guidelines. It makes no sense to talk about something that's not remotely connected to the site.
Shit site with a big collection
It fucking sucks to see a collection that's pretty big and actually good, but that same collection is displayed on a site that fucking sucks. It doesn't take a lot to make a site good, but they really fucked up this time.
Instead of adding a couple of features that would help you navigate the site, they decided not to do anything. I really do mean that. There are no features that will help you find something specific. The only thing you can do is go through pages, hoping you will find something. That's just a long and painful process, so I wouldn't really suggest anyone stick around if they want to find something nice to look at quickly. There are many other sites that at least have basic features that will narrow the search down even by a little bit.
There are nearly 19,000 galleries here, which is fucking impressive, but how the fuck did they plan to help people find something specific. You have all kinds of crap here, so clicking on the next page is just a dumb way to do it. Well, in this case, it's the only way, so you have to do it if you decide to stick around. Not only do they have a ton of different stuff, but they also have galleries that are full of random images, meaning you'll most definitely come across galleries that have 50+ images that have nothing to do with each other. I'm not sure what's the point of that, but it's just the way it is!
18,500+ galleries
No features
No tags/categories
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