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Hentai Foundry
Ah, man, you wouldn't believe what I had in mind when I saw that this site is called Hentai Foundry. My mind started imagining all the videos, pictures, and who knows what else, but as it turns out, I was so fucking wrong about what this place offered. Even though there are some of the things you would find on most hentai sites, this place turned out to be much more boring than I was hoping for!
If you take a look at the home page, you will be greeted with plenty of sexy hentai images, but that's about it. I'm down for minimalism, but really needs to work more on what they offer because I'm not sure how much you will enjoy being in this place. I'm not saying that it sucks, but there are many other sites that offer so much more and are free, just like this site is!
No photo galleries
Even though the first thing you see on this site is a list of images, I can't beat around the bush and say that you will have months' worth of stuff to look at because I would be blatantly lying to you. Even though there are images here, it looks like all of the pics you find here are individual, meaning they have nothing to do with the next one. I fucking hate those. What the fuck am I supposed to do with one single picture?
I couldn't say that I'm one of those who gets up in the morning and starts thinking about watching some animated girls fuck because I'm not. I'm more interested in standard porn, so you can only imagine my reaction when I figured out that this place was. I'm not saying that these pics suck, but they are just not what one might ask for on a site like this one.
They made it unnecessarily hard to get the list of all pictures. You can find one list of images right there on the home page, and after expanding it, you will get a list of 1.150+ photos. This is not nearly enough to keep someone interested for more than a couple of weeks, right? I knew that this photo collection was tiny, and I hoped I was wrong, and I actually got a bit of hope when I found another way of finding the list of images.
The thing I mentioned just now is the list of featured pictures. There's also a list of the most popular pictures and it has 200 more pictures than the previous list. Now, I can't help but wonder if these are completely different pictures or if the counter is fucked up? Either way, that's still not enough images to call something a good photo collection. Well, there might be a lot more images, actually, but I'll get into that a bit later!
Bunch of plain text
I figured there must be something else because a site wouldn't manage to stay alive with just this tiny photo collection. Well, there's this collection of different stories, but they are not like your everyday hentai comics. These stories have no pictures, only a shit ton of text which is fucking painful to read. I thought that hentai stories were supposed to be fun to read, but I can tell you right away that reading this shit is everything but that!
At least they decided to go with the black background, so reading something is not as hard as it would be on a bright white background. Either way, the good color choice won't make up for the lack of graphic content, which is what everyone is looking for. Okay, maybe not everyone, but I'm damn sure that most people who are into hentai or some animated shit would prefer checking out images over reading pages of plain text!
Some stories have a shit ton of chapters, and others just a couple. The reason is that some stories have been going on for quite some time, and others have just started. Also, it looks like some of the stories have ended because they were either shit and got negative feedback, or simply they weren't supposed to go on for months!
You can read these stories one chapter at a time, and I'm pretty sure you'll notice something right away. Some stories have chapters that are really long and other chapters that are relatively short. I guess it all depends on the person writing that shit. If he or she feels like going into detail every time, you'll see that, and if they feel like just giving you a general idea of what this story is about, that's what you will see!
There are more pictures after all
Remember when I said that there might be more images, actually? Well, I wasn't lying about that. I just can't figure out why the fuck they decided not to create a list of all images and let people know what to expect. I thought there were slightly over a thousand pictures initially, but it turns out there are a hundred times more in total. It just took me a while to get to them!
The site should be easy to use, and the most important things should be accessible from the home page, wouldn't you agree? Well, they decided not to go with that design, and that's where all the confusion was made. You have to go to categories, and once you pick one of the five main categories, a new list of images will open, and you will see that there are a shit ton of photos, actually.
If they had just made a shortcut that would open a list of every fucking image this place has, I wouldn't start thinking only the worst about this place, but it's their fault. Fuck them for not being smart and creating something that a kid would know how to use!
Five categories with many subcategories
Now that I figured out that there is so much more to this site than I thought earlier, I can put my mind at ease. There seem to be five big categories, and if you expand them, you will find a lot more subcategories. The five major categories are Anime & Manga, Cartoons, Games, Misc, and Original. Now, the number of subcategories varies, but I'm pretty sure there are over a hundred subcategories in total. I wasn't willing to count them all, but it's safe to say that there are a fuck ton of photos and stories in total!
This place has been around since 2006, so you can only imagine how many stuffs they managed to upload in this period. I just wish they had redesigned this site because it looks like it hasn't got a new update since the time it was created. The site itself works, but some modern features would definitely help out and would prevent shitty things from happening as they did to me. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else got the same feeling as I did when I first came to this site!
Why aren't photos included in stories?
For some unknown reason to me, they decided not to input any images in actual stories. That means you will find many lines of plain text and no pics whatsoever in between. Wouldn't it be much better if they decided to add a picture or two every now and then so readers can take a break from the story and enjoy the sight of some big boobs or butts? I'm not an experienced anime writer, but that just seems like a much better option, wouldn't you agree?
At least they separated stories from images, so if you don't want to waste time reading stories that might be interesting but not necessarily, you won't have to! You can just switch over to the image part of the site and browse through everything they have. That's the part they got right, but I can't get over the fact that there are no photo sets. I thought every place should have them by now, but I guess I thought wrong!
Plenty of images and stories, but the interface sucks!
If I wasn't a patient guy like I actually am, I would give up on this place a long time ago because my first impression was not the best one. I thought there weren't more than a thousand images in the photo collection, and that made no fucking sense for a site that's been around for more than 15 years. If they didn't work so hard to create the image collection, I wouldn't even begin to think that, so it's their own fault.
Besides images that are NOT a part of photo galleries, you will find stories that are too boring, in my opinion. Each one of the chapters has nothing but the plain text that's not pleasant to read. It would be much better if you could see a picture after a few paragraphs or if they wrote that text on top of some pictures, but they just didn't decide to go that way. Instead, they separated the huge photo collection, which definitely has over 100k images, from the collection of various stories that have multiple chapters.
Many pictures
Daily uploads
Multiple chapters
No photo sets
The design is not really user-friendly
Stories include no pictures
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