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People wank off to My Little Pony, and as disturbing as it sounds, it seems to be the thing inside Hentai circles! The site that focuses on the topic is named derpibooru.org, and I'm dying to see if the joint is a joke or a mind-blowing concoction that expands horizons and proves that porn lies in everything, if you are horny enough. Just so you know, I don't give a rat's ass about your tendency to wank off to naked ponies. It's all good as long as it's consensual, and these drawn fuckers are showing their tattooed asses with gusto!
The domain name "derpibooru.org" sounds like a deranged cross between a derp and a kangaroo. Actually, it's way worse than that! This site claims to be "an image booru (sharing/commenting/voting system) specifically aimed at fans of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." That's right, you heard me correctly. I'm talking about the colorful, magical, and oh-so-adorable ponies that have taken the world by storm. On derpibooru.org, you'll get to see naked ponies, and although I sound a little taken aback, the truth is that I don't give a shit about your pervy habits. You wanted wicked content, and I'm bringing it to you. Continue reading!
Sharing is magic
Uploading content on derpibooru.org is as easy as pie, my dear readers. All you have to do is hit that 'Upload' button, fill in the form, and you're good to go! But wait, there's more! Let's talk about metadata. If you're feeling like a champ and want to give your images some serious swagger, then tags are the way to go. You can group images together and describe them in a way that makes them pop. And don't forget about the description field, folks - that's where you can really strut your stuff and provide context and audio descriptions for those with screen readers.
But wait, there's more! Derpibooru.org is all about those "meta" tags. You can link your name to your work with the artist tag and keep the NSFW stuff under wraps with the spoilered or hidden by default tags. It's like having a secret weapon in your content arsenal.
And here's the real kicker, folks - Derpibooru.org takes file optimization to a whole new level. They've got optipng to deinterlace and compress PNGs, jpegtran to fix up JPEGs, and gifsicle and ffmpeg for all the frame processing needed for GIFs. It's like they've got a whole team of optimization ninjas working in the background to make your content shine. I know that some of these terms might seem messy and too complicated to an unkeen eye, but the whole point is that people are encouraged to share their pony stuff on, and that derpibooru.org takes good care of all the uploaded content. As simple as that!
Signing up seems like a good idea
Want to know what it takes to fully experience derpibooru.org? Let me tell you, registering an account is like adding turbo to your ride. Sure, you can use most of the site features without an account, but it's like driving a car with only two wheels, you're missing out on the full ride. With an account, you can unlock filters to hide those cringey images you don't want to see, vote on your fave pics, save them to your collection, send private messages, and even earn some badges. Plus, you can hide your username if you're shy, but hey, don't be afraid to show off your colorful personality, that's what ponies are all about!
Now, if you're wondering who runs this awesomeness, let me tell you, it's a team of about fifty volunteers who are passionate about art, coding, and of course, ponies. You can even check them out on the staff page if you want to get to know them better. Finally, if you want to help out and be part of the community, submit some artwork, help with tagging and sourcing, and just be a good pony lover. Join the herd, and let's make derpibooru.org even better!
This shit is worth mentioning
Derpibooru's got some exclusive content, but it's not because of the website itself, no sirree. It's because some of the contributors just don't believe in sharing is caring. They want to keep their art all to themselves, like a greedy little dragon hoarding its treasure. But hey, at least they're not keeping it a secret, right? For prices ranging from 10 to 50 dollars, roughly speaking, you too can get your hands on some of this rare and precious art.
Now, before you start digging into your pockets, let me tell you what you're in for. You'll be getting access to a list of all included tags and categories, as well as a list of example artwork. It's like a sneak peek into a treasure trove of content that only a select few have access to. It's like being invited to an exclusive party where only the coolest ponies are allowed.
Focus on the tags list
It's difficult to say exactly how many images or galleries are on derpibooru.org because it's growing constantly. But, one thing I know for sure is that it's BIG, like really BIG! How do I know that? Well, some of the tags on this site are so massive that they alone could rival some smaller image sites out there. For example, blushing has over 200K images, comics have over 120K, and humanized has over 110K images. And that's not even all! Monochrome has over 160K images, and it's just the beginning of the list.
But let's be real, tags that big aren't gonna do jack when it comes to finding the exact image you're looking for. That's where derpibooru.org fails, big time. I expected to see a list of characters, a list of uploaders, anything that could be called an advanced filtering option. Just because you found a huge pile of monochromatic smut, it doesn't mean that you will find exactly what you are looking for. Hey, it's all about the ponies and your desire to get weird smut for zero bucks, so you better learn to embrace a couple of fuck-ups!
There's a whole community loving naughty ponies
As I was browsing through the forums section of derpibooru.org, I stumbled upon a post that's been sitting there for nine whole years. Yes, you heard that right, nine years! That's how long this site has been around! At least nine years! And let me tell you, that means business! No shady, crappy-ass joints survive for that long, especially not in the pony-oriented xxx industry.
Now, let's talk about the importance of forums. It's like a digital watering hole, where people gather to discuss anything and everything. It's a place to share ideas, thoughts, and opinions. And let's not forget about the social aspect, because let's be honest, the internet can be a lonely place. But with forums, you can find like-minded individuals who share your interests and passions. It's a community, a family, a support system.
So, the fact that this site has had a forum for nine years is a testament to the community it has built and the value it brings to its users. And who knows, maybe in nine more years, someone will stumble upon this post and have the same realization.
89503 images? That's enough to make even the most ambitious photographer blush. But on derpibooru.org, that's just another day in the life of a dedicated member. This site is packed with die-hard fans who are more than willing to contribute their time, talent, and pony obsession to make it the best place on the internet for all things My Little Pony. And with such a passionate community, it's no wonder that Derpibooru has been able to stay around for so long.
Time to say goodbye
In conclusion, derpibooru.org is not just another image-hosting site, it's a community of die-hard fans who share a common love for smut and ponies. Hopefully, by now, you're itching to jump on board this bandwagon of fandom fun and join the thousands of dedicated members who make up this community. This is not the time where I say that derpibooru.org boasts diverse content and that all sorts of fetishists will come to love it, but I have to say that it’s one of the most unique websites I've seen this week. Sign up and explore this joint through and through. Adios!
ThePornDude likes derpibooru.org's:
An active community of die-hard My Little Pony fans
The majority of the content is free
Thousands upon thousands of images
ThePornDude hates derpibooru.org's:
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