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Anyone who appreciates the fine art of animated characters doing all kinds of naughty things, but not necessarily, will definitely like some of the stuff danbooru.donmai.us has to offer, but don't get your hopes way too high just yet. Right off the bat, you can see that the creators of this place didn't really give much fucks about making a site that would stand out, but they created a place where anyone can upload their shit without having to meet some high standards.
There's no need to beat around the bush, so I'll tell you right away that you won't find videos here. I think you could go on with your day without videos if there were a shit ton of images, which there are, but here's the thing. There are no fucking photo galleries whatsoever. All images are individual, so if you are hoping to find some photo sets where you get to see what leads to the fun part, you'll get really disappointed!
Simple site design
I'm not sure if I would go with the word simple or outdated when it comes to the site's design. There's just not a lot to see on the home page, and I feel like this shit has been the same for decades if the site is even that old! My guess is that this place has been around for quite some time, but they don't say shit about the creators or the site in general.
I thought I would be able to figure out when the uploads had started if I went all the way back to the last page of posts but guess what? It wasn't fucking possible. I tried doing that, but it would take me ages to get all the way to the back if it's even possible to do that. If you try to skip over a couple of pages to save some time, you will get the "search timeout" error message, so you can't really figure out when the uploads have started.
The site might seem like it's outdated or like it doesn't offer shit, but it actually has some pretty neat features. You probably wouldn't think this site has the advanced search, but as it turns out, it does. The tricky part is getting to it because it's not visible like on other sites, but I'll get into that in a minute!
Millions of photos
You're probably wondering how many images that are in total, and so am I! They didn't bother adding a counter that would let us know about the size of the collection, but here's what they did. If you look on the left side of the site, you will see a list of some tags and will be able to tell how many images are listed under each tag. Don't even think about summing all those numbers because that would be the wrong thing to do. However, I can see that "1girl" is the tag with 4.4 million results, so let's just say that that's the least number of images you will find here.
There are a couple of other tags that have millions of results, so it's safe to assume that this place doesn't lack content. However, this collection will never be as good as some other hentai collection that actually offers photo galleries. As much as someone would enjoy looking at these pics, they can't be as good as hundreds of images located in one photo set. No one gives a shit about individual pictures; everyone craves plenty of images of the same scene, and I think that's what they should have done here as well!
For a collection of this size, search features are mandatory; otherwise, it would be fucking impossible to find something that might make your dick hard! As I said earlier, I thought there weren't many or almost any features, but I figured out that I was wrong for thinking that.
There's the tag list with who knows how many tags. Instead of putting them all on one page, as most sites do, they created a bunch of pages with like 20 tags on each page. I could keep clicking on the next page to figure that out, but I gave up after 15 pages!
If you don't want to use tags to find something that might make your day better, you can use the advanced search, but how do you find that shit. It certainly isn't by clicking in that search bar. You have to click on something called "history," and once that shit opens, you will find a button called "advanced." After doing that, you will get redirected to a page where you will be able to set over ten parameters for your search. Doesn't this just sound too complicated?
Daily uploads
I can't deny the fact that they have a shit ton of stuff here. You can find dozens of daily uploads, but once again, many uploads seem pointless when they have nothing to do with each other. If some of those images were from the same scene, I wouldn't be shitting on Danbooru so much, but since that's not the case, I'll keep doing what I do best!
You can't really sort the content by date, rating, or anything else from the page where all posts are. You have to go back to that search engine I mentioned earlier and sort them through that feature. I would recommend doing this because there are some nice images here, and there are some that fucking sucks! It's almost like a child has made some of these drawings. However, the ones that are on top of the rating list are pretty fucking sweet, but you'll see that for yourself.
There's no way you will ever be able to go through this entire collection, so if you are a big fan of hentai art, you will have a nice time here. Well, that will only happen if you don't mind doing unnecessary work to get to the stuff that makes you happy.
Variety of content
If I had to sum it up, I would say that there's pretty much everything among these images. If you're interested in looking at solo girls who pose fully clothed or just in a tiny bikini, you will find it here. That's just the tip of the iceberg! There are also many naked chicks who don't mind showing off their sexy curves, but this group of images seems pretty boring compared to the rest of the stuff, right?
The best stuff seems to be where girls get their holes stuffed with a dick or two, or they have some lesbian fun. These images might look fantastic, but they would be even better if there were a couple more images of that same fucking scene. Imagine finding ten or so images of one girl getting naked, sucking a dick, and getting railed in different positions. Doesn't that sound much better than just checking out one image where a girl barely shows her hard nipples?
Since I spent my fair share of time on hentai sites, I know that the stuff I mentioned is pretty softcore compared to the rest of the stuff you can find here. I wouldn't even know where to begin, so let's just say that you will find here pretty much anything you can think of, regardless of how extreme you might think it is. It certainly wouldn't be the first time to see some big creature fuck a tiny schoolgirl!
Fuck ton of individual images in one place
I have mixed feeling about this place because it has a lot to offer, but the stuff they have won't do the best job of satisfying you. There might be several millions of photos in one place, but none of those pics are a part of the same photo gallery. Everything you see is individually uploaded, so if you are hoping to follow through with the story, you won't have the best time here. The part that bothers me is that you can clearly see that some of the images here have something to do with each other, but they just aren't linked together. Why the fuck would they do something like that?
There's no way in hell you will run out of shit to look at here, but I'm just not sure when you will lose the will to deal with some shitty things on this site. For starters, the design looks outdated, or better yet, very simple, but I promise you it's not. There are some hidden features that would help you out a lot, so I don't see why they thought not putting them in plain sight wouldn't be the best option. There's a list of hundreds if not thousands of tags right there on the home page, and there is also the basic search, but if you want to get to the advanced search, you will have to work for it a bit, and let me tell you something; you won't be able to find something that's worth your time without using the advanced search!
Millions of pictures
Daily uploads
Everything is free
The design is not really user-friendly
No photo sets
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