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Hentaiera.com! Digging the domain name, big time! Era is such a big word, and a mention of Hentai is always a wicked promise that everything's gonna go fucking nuts pretty damn soon! If you've ever watched Hentai or read those funky xxx comics, you know that anything is possible in such releases. Alien monsters fucking bitches through their nostrils, only to ejaculate so many times that cum starts leaking out of bitch nipples...wicked, horny, and so fucking outrageous that you have to watch and read, whether you like it or not! So, is hentaiera.com that wild? Stick around and find out!
One step at a time
The logo looks like a combination of a hospital sign and a flag of Greece, but at least it's memorable. Not a lot of ads, but I did spot one lying to me that Gabbie Carter was only one mile away, ready to fuck. Cut the bullshit, she's way closer than that! Making me wonder about the sound that big tits make when they slap against each other? I hear it right now, but I can't really define it...slap, smack...that's why I'll never be a comics artist, but Gabbie doesn't mind!
I fucking hate the fact that adult webmasters behind xxx comics joints are so diligent yet too shy! Hentaiera.com boasts 34K+ pages of adult comics, yeah 34K PAGES filled to the brim, and the About Us section sounds like a casting interview with a barely legal hoe who has never had anal. Yes, I like fucking, bat, bat, chuckle, chuckle!
I fucking refuse to put any Hentai-inclined websites at the top of my reviews list until I see a brag-packed About Us, and it's up to those webmasters to step it up! Hentaiera.com needed a pat on the back, and I'm very glad I came to rescue this demure site in time! The world deserves to know about this page!
So inspired that I'll sign up
Adult comics translated into seven different languages, easy filtering, favorites, downloads, commenting...say no more, I'm sold! Registration is free and easy. All it takes are a couple of basic fields needing your username, email, and password. Until now, hentaiera.com counted around 7 million monthly visits (rough statistics for the period of the last three months), but once the word that the Dude is a member spreads, that number is gonna hit the roof! I don't know why I am so inspired to help a comics-oriented site that deprived me of the hardcore privilege, but it turns out that some websites simply get lucky.
Here's the deal! You really want to sign-up because that changes the situation drastically. The moment I logged in, hentaiera.com started looking neater, and no, the ads didn't go away. To get rid of the ads, you have to pay with coins that you buy on the site with real money. Actually, many other cool options have to be unlocked with coins.
Still, reading is entirely free, and I did manage to download a couple of comics to my device free of charge. I'm annoyed by the fact that hentaiera.com failed to mention the download limit for non-paying members! I guess you'll have to do your own dirty work for a change and continue clicking till the page tells you to stop and redirects you to the Buy Coins page!
How to get the coins and how to use them?
The Basic package gives you 1,000 coins for $5.00. All "packages" can be paid for via a debit/credit card, PayPal, or Bitcoin. The second option is named Premium - costs $22.00 and gives 5K coins. Finally, you can pay $40.00 for 10K coins. There's also a way to earn coins instead of buying them, and you can do that by commenting on galleries and checking the options where you let others know that you wanked off to them. Hentaiera.com is not very informative when it comes to the daily limit for free coins, but I do know that you can pay to increase that limit - up to 15 daily coins for 14K coins, up to 20 for 18.5K coins, and up to 30 daily coins for 30K coins.
You need to pay to enjoy an ad-free experience, and the prices are as follows - 30 days for 500 coins, one whole year for 2K coins, and 5K coins to get rid of the ads permanently. Another very cool thing that you can unlock for a handful of coins is named No Download Limit. This is where you have to pay 1K coins for one month, 3.5K coins for a year, and 10K coins to lift the limit altogether, for all eternity.
I'll shortly mention that you can pay to go use the stealth mode, subscribe to artists, increase your favorites limit, or permanently delete your account. Yup, to delete your shit permanently from hentaiera.com, you have to spend 50 coins! For a split second, I thought that I got this last part all wrong, but nah, it's true. I want you to really do some math and see if any of these options sound like they're worth the dough. If you ask me, I think you should definitely sign-up and make the best of the free options first. Once you get the hang of things, you can go on a coin-spending spree.
That blacklist thing could come in handy
You'll find it in the account settings, and it is used to tell the site about the things you do NOT want to see among the search results. I'm gonna leave the boxes all empty cuz there's nothing I can't handle, but I'm still gonna play around with the list for a while only for research purposes. The first drop-down list opens a list of tags, and here's what caught my attention - 8.5K defloration comics, 3.4K uncensored, 32K big breasts, 11K glasses, 7.6K x-ray, 7.6K double penetration, and so on. This tags list is insanely huge, and I suggest that instead of using it to ban certain tags from your smut life, you use it to acknowledge the size and diversity of this place. Impressive shit!
Use the same approach for the next list that shows available parodies - 660+ Neon Genesis Evangelion, 2.4K Touhou Project, 1.1K Naruto...gets more impressive. You can choose an artist, a character, or a language that you don't want to see, but most importantly, you can banish an entire category from your results. I cherish each and every one of them, and I'm mentioning them now on a very positive note! Look at the size of this shit - Doujinshi (36K+), Manga (17K+), and Western (54K+).
Focus on the homepage
Yeah, the lists mentioning tags and categories and characters and artists as so fucking extensive that they are making me lose my commas but the real deal lies in the homepage that shows absolutely everything you'll ever need during the filtering process! Whew! The colorful boxes on top of the page lead you straight to manga or doujinshi or whatever, and below those buttons, you will find a search box and a list of available languages. All of this is sorted out in such a cool way that there's no way to get lost in the process. Hentaiera.com is pretty fucking clean, and if the trend continues, I might consider dubbing it my today's favorite!
Speaking of favorites, I need to mention the best fucking thing I spotted filtering-wise. Yeah, many other options here are more detailed and smart-looking, but I think that the list showing releases that have been downloaded, liked, and rated most recently could cut your search time in half. Do you really expect me to believe that you are gonna use all of those lists and boxes and shit to find an xxx comic? I know that you, smut readers, like making the rest of us believe that you are a better, smarter, less visual, and more imaginative kind of guy, but I can't be fooled. Focus on the first page, get the job done, and cut the crap!
Nothing to lose, and a lot to gain
Hentaiera.com is colossal, well-organized, wildly diverse, and hellishly popular! It's packed with xxx comics and filled with filtering lists. You can read all you want without spending a single coin or pull out the big guns and buy yourself a no-ads or a no-downloading-limit experience. Anything goes if you are a true fan of adult comics. Hentaiera.com is there to give you an option, and it's up to you to choose the desired path. Either way, hentaiera.com is gonna blow your kinky socks off! I mean it!
ThePornDude likes hentaiera.com's:
A huge xxx comics library
Read for free
You can earn coins or buy them to unlock cool perks
Insanely fine filtering tools
ThePornDude hates hentaiera.com's:
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