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You motherfuckers know how much I love porn forums. They are my secret porn weapon. If you're tired of watching the same old porn tubes and want something new and exciting to add spice to your solo love life, forums have the answer.
Forums are the Shit
It's a simple matter of math. Porn website growth is limited by the number of contributors. If the admin staff is only five people, there is only so much porn they can post in a day. And that's with five people. Many sites are run by one dude.
Forums, on the otherhand, are public spaces. Anyone can post to them, and once vetted by the admin, the content appears on the page. That means hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of men are all working together to create an archive of the best porn they can find.
And these aren't ordinary masturbators we're talking about, either. The types who show up to a porn forum are a different breed. They're the true porn heads, the kind of folks that goon out all day and night. They don't leave the house. They don't go on dates. They barely even eat. They just live on a diet of smut and cock stroking.
As you can imagine, the kind of porn these motherfuckers find in their journies can't be found just anywhere. You have to be a smut hunter to locate this rare shit. You can think of the average porn forum user as an amateur version of me. It's what I'd be doing if I wasn't so dedicated to the craft.
Adult Gaming is the Shit, too
Speaking of changing things up, I've been playing a lot of porn video games as of late. Porn video games have been around for some time, but they have only come into vogue in the last couple of years. Every year more and more of my readers are talking about them.
Adult gaming allows my readers to take agency over their love lives in a way they never could before. As it is now, your love life is passive. You sit idly by as porn is fed to your brain. Games give you the kind of control real life never does.
Plus, games open up avenues of fantasy that will take your meat-beating sessions to the next level. I know I'm not the only one that has wondered who fucks bitches better, Sonic or Knuckles. My guess is Knuckles. I think Sonic is too nice of a guy to really pound the pussy out like a champion.
If forums are awesome, and adult games are awesome, then it only stands to reason that a forum about adult games would be supreme. It will only take one visit to Lewd Corner to prove this is true.
Lewd Corner doesn't fuck around. They have a library of adult games you won't find anywhere else on the web. This shit isn't available at your local mom-and-pop adult gaming site. Only the dedicated admin and passionate members of Lewd Corner could ever locate this shit.
The web design on Lewd Corner will be familiar to anyone who has ever visited a porn forum. They aren't breaking new ground here, and why should they? The important part is the content selection.
Plus, the familiar design is easy and intuitive to navigate. You won't be getting lost on Lewd Corner unless you're retarded. Browsing through the hundreds of games takes no time. You're going to be a busy man these next few weeks.
The main menu hangs out up top and includes the options Lewd Corner, Forums, Latest updates, Rules, Our friends, Extras, Log in, Register, and Search bar.
The adult gaming thread has almost seven thousand messages that include countless games. People love the place enough that those seven thousand messages have been viewed three million times.
The Best Slavery Ever
What better time than now to check out some of the titles available on Lewd Corner? I'll begin with "Earn your Freedom." You play the role of an 18-year-old man whose father has gotten involved in shady dealings. Unfortunately, these dealings lead to him owing a shit ton of money to some very powerful men.
And these men know just how to get to your father. Instead of kidnapping and beating him, they've taken you. Now you must work in their brothel as a sex slave until you pay back everything your pop owes.
At first, this seems like a terrible turn of events for your life. That's until you see the kind of clientele this brothel attracts. You can't believe your eyes. All the bitches looking to fuck are sexy as hell. You thought for sure you'd spend the next few years getting your asshole reamed out by gay black me with massive dongs.
Instead, your "office" is graced by models. Models who are looking for you to show them a good time. Are you capable of pleasuring so many women in one day? There is only one way to find out. This game is still in development, so keep an eye out for updates.
I think I may have attended the same high school as depicted in "High School of Succubus." My entire high school career was a blur of sluts draining my manhood of every last drop of baby batter. I never left the place with full balls. If it wasn't my fellow students, it was the teachers or admin. Even the school nurse had to break off a piece.
In this game, you play as the succubus. Your task is to corrupt your target and turn them into a horny pile of goo. The game starts as a visual novel but progresses to other styles afterward.
You'll have to balance work, study, and your primary mission. Don't forget to hit the shops for the latest fashions. You can't be a succubus in rags. You need sexy and revealing clothing to lure in your victims.
Next up is "A Struggle with Sin." Personally, I've never struggled with sin. Sin and I have been chums from the very beginning. Sin has so much to offer, and its never let me down.
Fucking During the Apocalypse
"A Struggle of Sin" takes place in a fantasy world trapped in the grip of civil war. On a planet where death lurks around every corner, most people are just out for themselves. It's every man for himself out in these streets.
What will you do in this new world? Will you join the hordes as a savage who needs no one, or will you attempt to build bridges with fellow citizens?
I'm no architect, but the best way I can think of to build bridges with people is to fuck them. It's always worked for me; I've built thousands of bridges this way. Of course, I burn most of them after a few uses, but that's neither here nor there.
My readers are full of buried desires. That's why you will love the game "Buried Desires." You play a teacher who recently quit his job due to a severely traumatic experience you'll never forget. You ponder never teaching again until the country's most prestigious school contacts you about a job.
Are you ready to take on a totally different school? You'll have to familiarize yourself with the staff and students. It won't be easy. But, despite your misgivings, you decide to go for it.
And boy, are you happy you did. Why didn't anyone tell you how attractive everyone is at this school? The staff is a bunch of horny models who can't wait to get their hands on you. How do the students ever focus?
And speaking of students, how do the teachers ever focus? The students around here are every bit as sexy as the teachers. The only difference is that the students are even hornier.
You attempt to teach your course, but it's clear that all the female students can think about is your dick. Bitches flash their tits through their blouses at you. Most wear skirts without underwear so that you can see four or five pussies at a time.
There's no way you can hide your erection forever. Plus, once a class ends, all the female students stay late to "ask questions." Questions like, "Can I blow you," and "Would you like to feel my pussy on your cock?"
Lewd Corner lives up to its name. This is quite a lewd little corner of the internet. You'll love the forum format and the massive selection of games it provides.
I only wish that Lewd Corner described the games a bit better. It's nice to know what I'm jumping into before taking hold of my cock.
An entire school full of sluts awaits you in Lewd Corner, so don't keep those wet pussies waiting.
+Forum format
+Rare and difficult-to-find games
+Dark design
-Poor game descriptions
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