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You disgusting bastards already know where to locate the finest new porn on the web; The Porn Dude. I consistently have the answers to my reader's masturbatory needs. Where else can you ask, "Has anyone ever stuck their entire head in a bitches pussy?". (Yes) Or "What site has the freshest midgets getting their pussies eviscerated to nothingness?" (Where do I begin?)
Your Lord and Savior
You would not be remiss to suggest that I am the king of fapping kind. When you cry out, "Dear God!" as you sling sperm into your Nike sock, what you mean is, "Oh, Porndude! Thank you so much, Porndude! You are my Lord and Savior". It's a lot to scream, but I would appreciate the effort. This can be a thankless job at times.
The current era has presented us with an entirely new class of porn. No longer are you sealed into a storyline, forced to watch whatever the writers want to feed you. No way, Jose. Now, for the first time in human history, you have a proper justification for putting your dick down so you can pick up a game controller.
Any gamers or aging bastards out there should remember "Leisure Suit Larry." It familiarized many of us with the concept of a perverted game. Where Larry danced around the subject, game designers now make porn the reason for the season.
Content-wise, think of "Leisure Suit Larry" as the FHM Magazine to Robert Charles Joseph Edward Sabatini Guccione's Penthouse. Did you need that man's full name? No. But I bet his parents will appreciate that I used it. "Leisure Suit Larry" was not nearly as perverted, raunchy, and debaucherous as future porn video games would get. However, you could still wank to it if you're balls are full enough.
It didn't take long after the first porn games were unleashed for the selection of porn games to rival the amount of traditional porn on the market. You need a shepherd to guide you toward the most promising games in the genre, and I have your back.
More Games than You Can Shake a Dick At
I'm fucking flabbergasted by the pure volume of games I found. Goddamn, I'm fucking good at my job. Let me take a moment to pat myself on the back for all my hard work. Take a peek at the search bar, and you'll notice it says that more than 1000 games are listed on Best Porn Games.
I am but a tireless martyr for the cause of porn gaming. How do I remain so humble when I'm this fucking good. I have no idea. There are so many damn sites that I had to split them into forty different genres for you to browse. Otherwise, the place would be in chaos. I've got everything from 3D porn games to furry porn games and everything in between.
All sections are categorized into boxes right on the front page. As a result, there’s no need to travel through an ocean of menu options to find "Space Paws" or "Breeders of Nephelym." The site is made for easy browsing, and an extensive menu bar would stymie those efforts.
Up top are links to my many other endeavors. Between a blog and several other websites, I'm a busy motherfucker. If you have a passion for porn, as I do, I highly suggest checking them all out. I also include my contact information. I love hearing from my beloved porno proletariate.
In the interest of time, I'll only cover five of the most popular game genres. We don't have all day over here. There's a pocket pool to be played. Taking up the rear is "Adult Dating Sim Games.” I don't have to ask to know that your Tinder profile has as many matches on it as I have dicks in my ass. AKA, none.
Nobody has desired to bang you for ages, if ever, so it’s time to give up and start playing pretend. Games like "Insexsity" and "Pocket Waifu" will have you forgetting that real dating exists. Who the fuck needs it?
In fourth place is "Patreon Adult Games.” These games are produced by independent developers funded by Patreon subscribers. These people do it for the love of the sport. They could be making the next "Fruit Ninja," but instead, gift the world with games like "Trials in Tainted Space" and "Slave Lords of the Galaxy.”
In third place is "visual novel porn games.” These are narrative-driven games that allow you to interact with the action. Think of them as a digital version of the classic choose-your-own-adventure books you read as a kid. I'm just joking. I know you guys don't read unless it's me. Now, instead of turning to page 42 to lick her cooch, you can just click on the option to shove a carrot up her ass. Always eat your vegetables. You must be big and strong to jerk off as much as you do.
In second place is "RPG.” This is my personal favorite type of porn game. I want to be engrossed in the adventure and forget I'm playing a game. Who the fuck needs real life when porn exists? Well, actually, I do, but that's because I have sex with women. That's not something you fucks have to worry about.
I've spent hours lost in games like "Urban Demons" and "Violated Heroine.” However, Not even I knew just how many RPG games there were out in the world until I started making a list. If that's your lane, you'll never run out of content to enjoy. If it's not your lane, I recommend you make it your lane. You have nothing to lose but your full balls. You can thank me later. You have my contact info now.
As expected, the most populated class of games is "free porn games.” Given all the paid porn sites I subscribe to, I can't pay for every porn game I come across. I do well, but I'm not fucking Jeff Bezos. I run The Porn Dude, not Amazon. I don’t have billions and billions of dollars to blow on new porn games every month. Lucky for us, there are a metric shit ton of free porn games to enjoy. You could never drop a dollar and still have plenty to beat your meat to. Of course, developers still get their slice of the pie. They deserve it. These games don't drop from the sky. They require effort, skill, time, and money to develop. Therefore you will wade through some ads while playing "Trials in Tainted Space" or "Dreams of Desire.” A small price to pay, in my opinion.
Creaming the Crop
I had to save the best for last, literally. There is a reason the games in the "Best Porn Games 2022" category are there. This is all the shit you can't miss out on. You'd be a fool. When all the chips are down, you want to be playing one of these. It would be wrong not to give love to the top three. "Nutaku" takes the gold with "Ero Games" and "Hentai Heroes" hot on its heels. I've put many fucking hours into these three games, and you should too. However, take care; it's easy to lose a whole week playing all forty-six games on the list. Trust me. I've been there more than once. It's a good thing watching porn is my job, or I wouldn't have one.
It took a while for games to become popular, but now it's one of the fastest-growing categories of porn. As we take meat beating ever closer to actual sex, one has to wonder how long until women are obsolete. I've been eagerly awaiting the delivery of my new TSR (Tesla Sex Robot.) Once the tech's advanced enough to load games into her memory banks, you may never hear from me again. Shit, we may never hear from another man again, period. Please, leave us to become cumless raisins, forever attached to a silicon pussy while playing "Fap CEO."
I never let my fans down. I slave away, day and night, scouring the internet for the best filth. Whether it be games, porn, or even casting models, I always deliver. Without me, where would you fucks be? Probably still masturbating to the same three porn tubes like a simp.
There are no negatives to this site. If there were, I would have corrected them already. It's a masterpiece. A work of art. Perfection incarnate. Divine. Worthy of worship. It is my magnum opus that I share with the world. Go and bask in its glory.
+Fucking everything
+An insane amount of games
+Well organized
+Did I mention that I love fucking everything already?
-Absolutely nothing. It's perfect
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