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Adult Sex Games
My readers live simple lives. You guys are the salt of the earth... if salt was made of jizz. You don't leave the house much, have few hobbies, and don't care to participate in society. Instead, you prefer to sit at home and entertain yourself.
Burning the Clock
You employ several different methods to get this done. We all know what method one is. Constant masturbation. Incessant meat beating. Uncontrollable wang spanking. You are the wank warriors. The pocket pool princes. The fantastic fappers. It takes up most of your waking life.
However, a man can't live on spanking the monkey alone. Even my most hardened fans have refractory periods that leave their penises worthless for minutes or even hours at a time. What are you supposed to do with all that free time?
Eating and drinking water is a good start, but once that is completed, what's next? You certainly don't want to sit quietly with your thoughts. That's what makes video games such a powerful weapon against boredom. They completely tune out the little voice in your head that recognizes your general uselessness.
After a few hours of playing Call of Duty, your penis should be back in fighting shape. While Call of Duty is fun, wouldn't it be more fun to play a game with tits involved? Just cause my dick is resting doesn't mean my brain is done absorbing smut. It never tires of gooning out.
Adult games are the perfect combination—step aside brownies and ice cream, Elvis and Costello, and the catholic church and sex crimes. There is a new boss in town, and its name is porn games.
Porn games have been around for years but are only starting to gain traction among the general populous. Despite taking a while to gain a fan base, plenty of adult video game sites already exist.
And that's where I step in. On my quest to discover the best porn game sites, I found that most are absolute bull shit. The games don't load, the sites are covered in popups, and the design is pure chaos. Thank goodness you fucks have me to do all the heavy lifting. Where was I when I first started jerking off?
Your Home for Sex Games
If you're looking for a solid adult games site, look no further than Adult Sex Games. The name might not be particularly creative, but the games contained within certainly are.
The design of Adult Sex Games is quite spacious. The main menu hangs up top and contains the options New games, Exclusive games, Top rated, Most played, Video playbacks, 3D sex simulator, and contact the webmaster.
Down the left side is a list of the most popular sex games on Adult Sex Games. There is no content running down the center until you get past the best-of list, leaving lots of empty space.
There are thirty-five pages of content on Adult Sex Games, so you don't have to worry about running out of shit anytime soon. I'm sure it will take some time to get to the second page, let alone the thirty-fifth.
There is a category list along the right side to help you sort through all the options that include such hits as Action, Adventure, Alien, Asian, BDSM, Comics, Cosplay, Demon, Funny, Furry, Ebony, Harcore, Hentai, Oral, Orgy, Meet and fuck, Poker, Puzzle, Rule 34, Superhero, Teen, Tentacle, Toon, Toys, and Visual novel.
The Sucking Succubus
Let's talk about some of the excellent content you'll find on Adult Sex Games. The title "Succuquest" caught my attention right away. Succuquest is a side-scroller RPG in which you play a sex a sexy and fuckable devil bitch with a perfect pussy.
Despite being a devil, the world is still dangerous, so your mentor gave you a book of all the heroes to avoid. However, all you can think about is how much you'd love to fuck the heroes. Unfortunately, plain humans can't handle the perfection that is your pussy. They cum too fast.
Heros would never fuck a devil. It would be a death sentence to try, so instead, you dress up as a fellow hero. Your disguise works, and soon you are all the heroes can talk about. If you fuck the heroes well enough, you'll be able to create your own future.
Honestly, were I one of these heroes, I'd fuck the bitch, devil or not. I'm always on the hunt for the perfect pussy. I won't let a little morale quandary get in the way of that. What's more important, the battle between good and evil or cumming really hard? Obviously, the answer is cumming really hard.
If You Build Them, You Will Cum
All of the creatives out there will love "Elven Ellona." Ellona is an elf you have hopelessly tied to your bed. She starts as a big-titted blond, but you can change that. In fact, you can adjust all of her physical parameters. It's up to you if a bitch has perky little apple boobs or fat-honking hangers. You can change hair color, pube color, ass size, and more.
Use "Elven Ellona" to build your perfect cunt and then fuck it in any way you please. As you turn that pussy out, you'll discover this little elf is a virgin! What a fun surprise. Don't forget to use the X-ray tool. It allows you to see inside a bitches pussy and watch your cock head butt Ellona's cervix.
"Bunny Puzzle Dragon" is full of mini-games that, if completed correctly, will reward you with sex. Bunny is an amazonian hotty that loves to wear bunny ears, stockings, and a tail while she fucks the brains out of random dudes.
Bunny doesn't approach the dick softly. She prefers to destroy dicks with all of her might. She'll cripple you just before you baste her pussy in your thick cum. I hope you have decent medical insurance. You'll need some physical (and mental) therapy after this shit.
Dark Web Slinging
The "Doctor Cursed Project" will curse you with unending erections. Doctor Curse is an infamous stunt cock who peddles his wares on the dark web. His motto is "We enslave them; you fuck them."
You play yourself, sitting and watching porn from the comfort of your own home. The only difference is that you have a direct line to Doctor Cursed, and he will do anything you ask. Blow jobs, pussy destroying, and ass fucking are just the beginning.
You have three girls to choose from, but you'll be a happy camper no matter which you pick. One of my favorite aspects of the "Doctor Cursed Project" is the split screen displaying two angles of the actions. In one, you get a close-up of a bitch pink pussy getting rammed, and in the other, a view of her bouncing tits.
That brings me to "Hilda the Babe." Hilda is a female player character from Pokemon Black and Pokemon White. One day, while out looking for new Pokemon, Hilda runs into her male counterpart, Hillbert. Hillbert is doing the same thing as Hilda and stops to chat.
However, Hilda has a lot more than chatting on her mind. She gets Hillbert to the ground and begins seducing him. She takes out his bare cock and grinds it with her clothes on. This drives Hillbert absolutely wild.
Hilda can see that her plan worked, so she strips naked and lets Hillbert inside her. Hilda rides you sideways while you control the speed and action. I hope a Machoke isn't watching and masturbating in the distance.
The Golden Ticket
Fuck "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." "My Lucky Tickets" is far better. In it, you receive an email from the Global Organization of the Nymphomaniacs. They've invited you to their huge new years eve bash.
When you arrive in the town the party is being held, you realize you don't know to which you were invited. This new years sex rager is spread throughout several houses, each with its own theme.
You could try out the curvy room where every bitch has a stacked body and loves anal sex. Or try out the ebony room, where every bitch has a stacked body and loves anal sex. Don't forget the Christmas room. All the bitches there have stacked bodies and love anal sex. Are you noticing a pattern?
Adult Sex Games isn't fancy or overbuilt. Instead, <strong>the place is focused on having a superb collection of adult games that will have you yelling, "I'm cumming!" loud enough for the neighbors to hear</strong>. Perhaps they would be interested in Adult Sex Games, also.
My complaint about Adult Sex Games involves all the empty space. It looks amateur and sloppy. It wouldn't take more than a few minutes to fix the problem.
Why not change your routine and try some adult sex games? Adult Sex Games is waiting for you.
+Thirty-five pages of content
+Smooth loading
+Lack of popups
-Lots of empty space
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