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What’s up, you fucking weeb! So, you’ve finally gotten bored of Hentai Haven, huh? Or did you already bust your load to every piece of content on the site? Haha! Trust me, I’ve been there. Although… I’m more of a 3D girl kinda guy, haha! Don’t get me wrong… I can enjoy hot pictures of thicc anime chicks as much as any guy. But when you’ve got a cock as big and hungry as mine, cartoons aren’t gonna fucking cut it!
So, what does old PornDude have today to hook you up with? What new hentai hotness can you stick your dick into today? Well… I’ve got… something. Haha! Listen, when you’ve watched (and read) as much porn as I have, you’re gonna come across a couple of duds. Hentai-for.net just so happens to be one of those duds! Hey, they can’t all be winners!
But if you look hard enough, I’m sure you’ll find enough content to get your cock rock-hard and raring to go! There’s always something out there for everyone! Hentai-for.net is a neat little niche site, featuring hot animated videos you probably couldn’t find anywhere else. But I gotta be honest… That’s pretty much all it’s got going for it.
The overall web design is simple but really looks like it was designed by someone who just learned how to use Adobe Dreamweaver. The playback experience is a fucking nightmare and I couldn’t navigate from the video pages without ending up halfway across the fucking internet! I can’t say much for the community either. There isn’t a lot of activity there, and the users you do see are fucking creeps. (And NOT the fun kind!)
I guess that’s the price you gotta pay sometimes. If you’re into busting loads to hot anime bitches, busty cartoons, and your favorite video game waifus in 3D, I’m sure you’ll find a way to enjoy yourself here!
2D Girls > 3D Girls
So, first things first. The web design is pretty unique, all things considered. It’s simple. And when you’ve got your cock in your hand, simple is pretty fucking great! I mean, it has the potential to be a pretty awesome-looking site. It’s like someone had a great idea for a simple hentai aggregator and just gave up halfway through designing it. Maybe they got distracted by all those 2D titties!
You won’t find a lot of banner ads when you browse the page. In fact, there’s a lot of empty space on the site’s pretty big borders… Space that can be filled with more hentai goodness, if you ask me! You won’t find a giant list of thumbnails to scroll down either. Instead, it’s more like a web feed, with the latest posts at the top of the page. So instead of scrolling through pages with decision fatigue and a throbbing cock in your hand, you can scroll through a neat feed of hot hentai!
On the left of the page, there’s a small list of categories. Now, if you know me, you know I’m a man of options. I want to treat my cock to everything available! Even when it comes to 2D girls! However, even I can appreciate that sometimes less is more! Like I said, you won’t find yourself with your hand on your cock looking for the best thing to finish on for 15 minutes. You’ll find an easily accessible list of a few good options.
The filter system could do with some work. Once you scroll down the side, you’ll see the option to filter the video feed by quality (360p-1080p). They’re not really filtered buttons… More like lazy hyperlinks that refresh the page. It doesn’t look great. But hey! If it works, you can work with it! The thing with anime porn is that it’s not like REAL porn. My rule: the lower the video quality, the better the porn doesn’t really apply here. When it comes to animation, you’ll find that the lower the video quality, the less interesting the porn is.
There’s a slightly more comprehensive filter system at the top of the feed where you can search by: highest rated, dates, most viewed, most commented, or even by alphabetical order! (You don’t see that often!) Each video featured in the feed is pretty comprehensive too! There are no hot video previews to get that chub going, there’s a fun summary, a star rating, a quality indicator, and a bunch of information your cock won’t care about!
You Need a Girl Who’s 2D with 2 Ds!
One thing this hentai-for.net has going for it is its unique content! You won’t find animated porn like this anywhere else! You’ll find an awesome of your favorite anime, cartoon, and video game characters in pretty great quality for FREE. There’s nothing much you can ask for, right? The thing is… There are a few pretty trash options littered throughout the entire site. So, your overall experience is gonna be pretty hit-and-miss.
Not to mention the playback experience. Listen, I’m not gonna lie, I saw a few videos here that tickled my balls, but trying to watch them made me want to smash my fucking computer! Why the fuck would you hide all of your good content behind SO many pop-ups? Shit like that should be illegal! That’s right, my fellow pervert… It’s another pop-up hell. I couldn’t even open a video without some kind of stress! How the fuck does this site expect to stay alive when its users are too annoyed to jack off to their content.
I had to close about 5 different pop-ups and redirections just to open a damn video. And half the time, I didn’t even know if I was watching a video or a fucking PowerPoint presentation! There was one time when the video just wouldn’t play. So, I had to give up and try another one! “This is the 5th time now! No, I’m not gonna wait 5 seconds to try again!”
I mean, a few ads and pop-ups are the price we pay for good free content, but this is just ridiculous. You’re gonna have to turn on that ad-blocker if you wanna keep your boner on here. Sure, the content is pretty unique, but it’s hardly worth checking it out on a site that doesn’t give a shit about your boner.
If you can stomach the headache you’ll get from trying to open up a video, there’s a pretty decent amount of great content! Are you a fan of Genshin Impact? Have you had fantasies of fucking Fischl while her Raven watches? Haha! You fucking creep! You’re in luck! There’s a “Genshin Impact Fischl Compilation” of that bratty adventurer being fucked in every position by just about every character in the game! Even the monsters!
We both know that’s something you can’t miss! Haha! Go ahead. Turn on that ad blocker and knock yourself out!
What I Liked
Despite the headache I got trying to play a fucking video, some of the videos are pretty fucking awesome, all things considered. I’m pretty sure the developers of this site are huge hentai freaks who constantly get distracted by anime pussy. It’s like they wanna make a good site, but the blood flows from their brain to their cock too many times a day! I get it. Trust me, I’ve been there, haha!
The remedy for that is to get help! This is what happens when you get off to anime girls for too long! You need a real girl to keep your dick busy so you can focus on making the content you want!
What I Didn’t Like
There’s a lot here to not like. But ultimately, it was the playback experience that’ll have me avoiding this site forever. No one should have to go through THAT much trouble just to jack off. This is up there with some of the worst experiences I’ve had with ANY kind of streaming.
I mean, the pop-ups ON the videos don’t even go away. Once you try to close it, you’ll either be directed to another site or see another one in another 20 seconds. If you’re directed to another site, once you go back to the page after closing it, it won’t be too long until you’re on some other site again. It fucking sucks!
Tips From ThePornDude
Usually, when I don’t have a lot of suggestions for a site, it’s because it's doing everything right! I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have suggestions because the site sucks so bad, there’s nothing I can think of to make it better! Seriously, Hentai-for.net just kind of fucking sucks. Take it from the PornDude, You’re jacking off to these 2D bitches so much, it’s affecting your ability to make a decent fucking site!
My suggestion? Get a girlfriend!
There are a handful of pretty great videos on hentai-for.net. But the overall experience is pretty hit-and-miss. You’ll be bouncing from videos that get your cock rock hard to shitty quality videos that don’t even have sound. It’s like the site is half finished.
I can tell that the developers really want to make a good site. Anyone who writes bios for every video cares about their content. And to be honest, the site has a lot of potential. But as of right now, if you value your cock’s time, I’d give this one a hard pass!
+ Daily uploads
+ Variety of animation styles
+ Thousands of unique videos
- Inconsistent video quality
- Some videos have no sound
- Too many pop-ups on video pages
- Video content is pretty hit and miss
63+ Hentai Streaming Sites LIKE HentaiFor







