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Sex Comics
Reddit has been correctly portrayed as the internet's front door. If you can imagine something, there is a subreddit for it. Don't take my word for it. Go ahead. Give it a try. Think of any arbitrary object or activity and search for it on Reddit. Not only will you find a subreddit, you’ll find dozens of them.
You Read it on Reddit
The idea is relatively straightforward. It’s a news, content rating, and general chat website where folks can share links, text, images, and videos to be voted upon by members. Posts that get more love make their way to the front of the subreddit. If a post gets enough upvotes, it can reach all the way to the main page. It’s the democratic nature of Reddit that earned it the moniker of the front door of the internet.
Let me go into a bit more detail for my less intelligent readership. (Which is all of you) Reddit is divided into subdivisions based on the subject. Members create posts. Anyone who views them can vote up or down. If people enjoy your post, it becomes more visible. It appears like such a simple design, but it changed the web as we know it.
While definitely not purpose-built for porn, it ended up being the perfect smut conveyance. I’ve always pushed that one can trust their masturbating brethren to assist in hunting quality porn, and Reddit is the ultimate expression of that.
The Efforts of Man
One man alone can't scrounge all the great porn wedged into the crannies and crevices of the internet. There's too much. Of course, I love all the porn accumulated by major tube sites, but it's content any old Tom, Dick, or Harry can pull up with no effort. The real good shit is a few layers deeper under the digital dirt. Reddit gives you access to that shit without requiring an intimate understanding of the dark web.
Think about how much porn is filmed on a daily basis. If you include amateur content, you're looking at a lifetime of smut added every twenty-four hours. Not even the most dedicated porn addict has time to explore everything, but if we work as a group and share our findings with the class, we can make a dent.
Reddit has three hundred and thirty million monthly visitors. That's a third of a billion motherfuckers, and a significant share of them come for naked cunts. Of course, they are. It's what most people are on the internet for, so if Reddit is the front door, it only makes sense.
I wouldn't dare attempt to estimate how many porn-themed subreddits are out there. You can think of the number as infinite for all intents and purposes. Yet, not all smutty subreddits are created the same. Most are garbage that comes and goes as fast as a morning dew. As a result, it can be challenging for new subs to get noticed, regardless of quality. The competition is close, so you need a golden idea to separate from the crowded masses.
That's exactly what R/sex_comics is; good at what they fucking do. These fuckers release hot new porn comics every single day of the week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It's one of the quickest and easiest ways to see illustrated whores.
When There is a Will, There is a Way
What makes Man such prosper is our ability to evolve and adapt on the fly. Other species have DNA that takes hundreds of generations to adapt to new conditions. Humans, on the other hand, can change their behavior and evolve instantaneously.
For millions of years, that quick-change skill was used solely for survival. These days we don't have to modify our diet or hunting techniques every few decades. Burger King is right around the corner, with hot food I can have delivered in minutes. Instead, we've brought our plasticity to bear in other ways.
All too often, our big brains are wasted on stupid situations like learning calculus or memorizing streaming service passwords. It's far from a life-threatening condition, but I wouldn't call it unimportant.
However, I far prefer to put my mental efforts toward sex. The measures men are willing to take to achieve sexual gratification are extreme. We will risk brutal injury and even death for some gash. We commit our entire existence to fucking bitches. Why do you think we develop talents like playing instruments or repairing cars? It's because people with pussies like competent men.
These efforts extend to porn watching also. Gentlemen, we are spoiled as fuck. We haven't had to put effort into watching porn for over a decade. As a result, many of us forget what it used to be like.
Efforts well spent
Watching porn used to require schemes and plans. Nowadays, men only have to worry about post-nut clarity. Back in the day, men had to fight through pre-nut clarity to convince themselves to buy porn before the boner hit. Purchasing this alien abduction film might feel lousy now, but you must remind yourself that it will pay dividends later.
As unbelievable as it may sound, some guys still live in places where porn is neither inexpensive nor abundant. These brave (or stupid) motherfuckers must make do with whatever they have on hand.
However, these men find ways to get by. That's how men work. When there is a will, there is a way, and few wills are more enthusiastic than the will to sling rope.
One way men get their hands on smut in porn desserts is by making erotic comics. If you can't get your eyes on real pictures, then illustrate that shit. Many qualified, depraved, and aroused artists publish amazing erotic content that could make even the most devoted porn addicts cream their shorts.
The development of CGI has only made porn comics better. Quality is through the roof. The extreme detail with which people can doddle a baby maker is incredible. So incredible that many men stick to porn comics even when given the opportunity to watch "real" porn.
That's a Lot of Titty
How could this be? Why would a man turn down seeing the real thing in exchange for a paper full of paints and dyes? The key is content.
The whores in erotic comics don't look like their human counterparts. The proportions of their yummy bits are absurd. The tits are ginormous, the waists miniature, and the asses stacked. If a flesh-and-blood female was built as such, her bones would crumble like biscotti. Unfortunately, gravity isn't facilitative to hundred-pound tits.
When humans look at these drawings, it causes something known as supernormal stimuli. The enlarged breasts and ass actually activate our sexual pleasure centers more than a real woman would. It's a way to hack into your dick like a mainframe computer.
The moral of the story; there is no shortage of places to get your fill of animated pornography. The only problem is that most of the sites suck balls. However, not R/Sex_Comics.
Incest and Spectrally Fingered Pussy
Let's check out some of the content here on R/Sex_Comics. Of course, one of the first posts is for a comic titled "Turning My Step-Mom into My Cum Dump! Chapter 1." You disgusting fuckers can't get enough incest. It's despicable, and we all know you only throw the "step" in for appearances.
That said, if this bitch were my stepmom, I'd want to fuck her too. The cunt is stacked. I estimate her tits to be at least an H-cup and the nipples are perfectly proportioned. She has a little tuft of pubic hair above her tight pussy. I guess I'll give the main character a pass on this one.
"Shantae: Pier Pressure" caught my attention for its bright colors and creative cover. It features a slutty pirate cunt being accosted by six disarticulated spectral hands. These hands are all over her tits, ass, and pussy.
Shantae is extra petite except for her tits and ass. I'd say she's rocking D-cup tits and an ass that could twerk for days. As with most petite ladies, her pussy grips on dick like a fucking vice. It's a good thing these hands don't have cocks, or they would be instantly drained of cum.
And let's not forget about Shantae's asshole. It requires attention also, but good luck fitting your cock in that tiny hole.
Porn comics are the only reason I know how to read. Fuck, Mark Twain. Fuck Shakespear. Fuck Steven King. The only reading material I need in my life is erotic comics.
My only complaint about R/Sex_Comics regards Reddit itself. Browsing on a laptop or desktop is not nearly as convenient as browsing on a mobile. I wish they'd upgraded the non-mobile experience.
Thousands of comics await your eyes and dick on R/Sex_Comics. Don't let them wait forever.
+Massive selection
+Constant updates
+Great for mobile use
-Needs a better non-mobile display
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