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Oppai GIF
You wouldn't believe how many times I've come to a subreddit page and had no idea what to expect. Well, this was a big relief because I got all the information right away. Even though this was the first time I heard the word oppai, I got all the necessary info from the "About Community" page. One of the moderators actually included a pretty detailed description of this page, so I knew what to expect.
Even though I got plenty of information, I did a bit more research and found out that oppai means tits in Japanese. So, the exact translation of oppai_gif would be a motion picture of tits. I like the idea of that because I would never say no to a nice pair of tits, but would I make an exception for a pair of anime tits? Well, I don't think I would, but if I had a choice, I would always go for real boobs instead of animated ones.
By the looks of it, this page has been around since 2015, so I can only imagine how much stuff they posted over the course of 8 years. There is no way to tell how much stuff there is on reddit.com because they didn't give a flying fuck about including some sort of counter or something that would help you out, so I wouldn't even know what to think. There might be tens of thousands of posts, but there might be over a million posts.
Frequent uploads
Since I couldn't tell how many posts this subreddit page has, I checked out how often they uploaded new stuff. Well, the good news is that they post something new multiple times a day, so if they did the same thing from the beginning, I think there is no way you will ever run out of nice anime tits. Of course, I can't know that for sure because I don't have a way to get to the beginning of this collection besides scrolling down for several hours.
If you start going down, the "Back to Top" button will appear, and this will take you to the top of the page. I don't really see the point in this because you have nothing at the top of the page. There's just the description of this page, and that's about it. Even the search bar is accessible without going to the top, so this feature is just pointless.
Instead of adding this thing, they could have added the button that would take you to the bottom of the page. If that sounds like too much work, they could have divided the content into pages, and that would give us a pretty good idea of what to expect. However, that seems to be too much work for a few fuckers who are in charge of Reddit, so I won't waste any more time talking about something that won't change!
18+ content is blurred
Every subreddit page that offers 18+ content has one problem, and it's fucking annoying. Everything that is made for adults is blurred, and this makes things a lot harder for us. Imagine scrolling down the collection and not knowing what you are looking at. Well, that is basically what you will have to do here because you won't have one fucking clue about what to expect.
It's obvious that you are going to see some tits, but that's about all information you will get. Some of the titles might help you figure out a few extra things, but seeing the actual post right away would be ideal. I still can't get over the fact that they didn't add some sort of a feature that would turn on or off this filter. For example, you come to the site, you agree that you want to see this type of shit, and you just move on with your life. It sounds so much simpler than opening every post just to see what it is!
I don't think I can even explain how much harder it is to find something. You will have a ton of posts in front of you, and you won't see anything but titles. I'd recommend opening these posts in a new tab because you will save yourself a ton of time and effort. If you just open it in the same tab, you will probably lose track of what you did before and will get back to the top of the list. If that happened to me, I wouldn't even try searching for something again!
No real boobs
Even though there are three rules, you should pay attention only to one. I think you already are aware of the other two rules that tell you that no underage stuff or paid stuff should be posted here. However, the first rule specifies that under no circumstances should you post real boobs here. Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't mind seeing some nice tits here, but I guess this is just not the place for it!
If you think you can follow these rules, you will be able to stick around for as long as you want and probably see a shit ton of anime titties that will make your dick rock hard! Some of these scenes include a lot more than just a pair of bouncing tits, so you will also have a chance to see short sex scenes and other things, but only as long as boobs are visible through most parts. If that requirement is met, this will stay here!
You will also get more information about scenes because some include subtitles. Now, I didn't really pay attention to this part because who the fuck cares about a few words when you have so much graphic stuff in front of you. Anyway, this might help you realize what the fuck is going on in there. It might be that the step-sister is getting fucked by her step-brother or something else. I don't know about you, but if I know a backstory to something, it gets a hundred times better!
Search feature
If you've used Reddit before, then you must know that the search feature is available, but I didn't really use it so much. This will come in handy when you start looking for the subreddit page, but that's about it. You won't be able to search for tags or something else like you usually would on a porn site, so I don't really see the point in even trying.
None of the posts are even marked with tags, so the only thing you could look for is the keyword in the title. However, I am not sure what you will find because some of the titles sound like "I will suck those," and I'm not sure if that's what you need at the moment. Also, if you are looking for something like that, you will get just one post, and that won't help you one bit. Anyway, the only way to find something is by scrolling and opening it, so if you don't think that's something you can do, I suggest you stay away from this place.
Looking at GIFs is much harder than it should be
Looking at erotic content should be a fun thing, but I can't say that I had a pleasant time on the oppai_gif subreddit page. Even though it seems like there's plenty of stuff here, checking it out wasn't as easy as it should be. For starters, you don't see jack shit from the home page! You have to open each one of these posts, and only then you will see what a post is about. If you want to see more, you have to repeat the process, and I don't really have to explain how fucking annoying this seems, right?
The quality of GIFs seems pretty good here, so at least you won't have to deal with SD stuff. However, I think I would settle for SD content over this shitty blurred collection. I will never understand why they made it like that. I think most people who are into this shit would just love it if they could freely browse the collection without wasting any time by opening every post on the list. Also, they made it impossible to know how many posts there are because you can't reach the end, and there is no counter that will give you a hint.
If I had to guess based on the upload schedule, I'd say that you won't run out of anime tits to look at any time soon because they add something new a couple of times every day. If they did that from the beginning, the number of posts would be pretty big, and I think that's what most people would like to see besides some amazing scenes in high resolution.
Multiple daily uploads
GIFs are in high resolution
All posts are blurred
Unknown size of the collection
No useful search features
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