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VirtualRealPorn Cosplay
Many casual pocket pool players have no idea just how much of an effect porno had on world history, especially when it comes to technology. Every time photography takes a step forward, porn is the first medium to make use of the new developments. Since Alhazen invented the camera obscura, porn has been sullying otherwise innocent technology.
Porn Guides the Fate of Men
To find an illustration of how much porn can affect technology, look into the battle between VHS and Betamax for home video supremacy in the eighties and nineties. The reason your local Goodwill has a VHS tapes aisle instead of a Betamax aisle is because porn preferred VHS. While Beta had better pixel density, VHS tapes could pack more content. After some debate, porn decided having more content per unit was more important than a slight increase in video quality. The CCR TVs weren't exactly 4K flat screens back then, anyway.
Smash cut to the current day, and we have made our way well past VHS tapes, but the story doesn't end there. DVDs also caught on, leaving Blu-Ray behind thanks to porn. Can you guess why? The reasons are the same. The DVD could be filled with more content. But even the DVD is old news. All that shit is water under the bridge. These days the new tech is virtual reality.
Virtual reality porn sites began being released around 2014. At the same time, VR headsets such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vibe started gaining traction in the global market. Tech companies had finally created viable home VR helmets that weren't cost prohibitive or the size of a fridge. The shit wasn't cheap, and the helmets were bulky, but that didn’t matter to porn producers. They could sense a shift in the wind currents and immediately got to work filming virtual reality porn.
The Originators
In fact, the very first subscription-based VR porn site is the one featured in this review. Virtual Real Porn has been around since the very beginning, so of course, they have an excellent selection of cosplay porn available.
Virtual Real Porn was met with immediate success, and they began expanding their network right away. Not long after the release of Virtual Real Porn, they debuted Virtual Real Gay and Virtual Real Trans. And they weren't done yet. Around a year after this initial burst and expansion, they released Virtual Porn 360, which allowed viewers to look in all directions.
While the 360 is available, it’s only available in 2D. Most VR sites currently stick to a 180-degree 3D display. Who gives a fuck what is happening behind you anyways. All the action is front and center.
I'm aware that many of my readers don't have the expendable income to blow on a high-tech virtual reality headset. Believe it or not, even the poorest amongst you can still afford ways to watch VR porn.
Several affordable accessories can transform your phone into a VR headset. Some of these accessories are so inexpensive they are made out of fucking cardboard. You can even build one yourself with a free blueprint. It sounds janky, but despite the shoddy materials, you will be astonished by how well they work.
The benefits of watching VR porn should be pretty fucking evident. Who doesn’t want to feel like they are actually in Riley Reid's bed playing with her tight little pussy? Who doesn’t want to be enveloped by 3D titties as they pop off the screen and into your face? It's fucking stupendous.
The Experience
For my readers who have never donned a 3D headset, it can be difficult to describe its impact on our brains. Hearing someone talk about it doesn't do VR justice. You probably think it just feels like a screen that's closer to your eyes, but it's so much more. The view is so lifelike it deceives your brain into thinking that shit is actually happening. Such a substantial portion of our brain power is committed to visual processing that the mind will bypass other sensory inputs and assume that your retinas are speaking the truth. This is why funny slips of people jumping into walls and TVs are all over Youtube. No matter how much you remind yourself it's not real, your brain doesn't buy it.
If a VR headset can fool your brain, the very throne your consciousness is sat upon, imagine how thoroughly it can deceive something as stupid as your twig and berries. Your cock will be so confident what your seeing is true that you will pull out of your own hand when busting a nut to avoid getting Abella Danger pregnant. VR porn is so realistic you don’t even have to stroke your dick. Simply thrust into the wind like you're fucking a breeze, and you will find sling ropes so thick and dense that the whole neighborhood gets pregnant.
It’s been almost ten years since Virtual Real Porn hit the market, and shit has only advanced in that time. There are many dedicated VR porn sites out there, and most major tube sites include the category. However, if you really want to find the best content, you have to get it from the original.
Virtual Real Porn has always been on the cutting edge of VR porn and plans to stay there for many years to come. They have an enormous archive of porn that gives users a peek into just how far the rabbit hole can go.
Almost Free
Before we get too far, I must warn you that Virtual Real Porn is a paid premium site. You don't get this kind of production value for free. Fortunately, despite how high quality the service is, Virtual Real Porn has managed to keep prices low.
There are four levels of membership for visitors to choose from. The first option is a one-month recurring membership that costs ten bucks. It's a great way to dip your toes in the water. I promise you'll never want to take off your VR helmet again once you get a taste.
The second is a three-month subscription for just over nine dollars a month. The payments recur, so you don't have to worry about sending them a check every few months. I know how much you fuckers like to avoid your bills.
The third is a one-year membership that costs less than six bucks a month. That's fucking insane. At that point, it might as well be free. I always have an extra six dollars that I'm willing to spend on porn.
Finally, Virtual Real Porn offers something few websites do, a lifetime membership. Believe it or not, for only two hundred dollars, you can secure your Virtual Real Porn subscription for life. Fuck yes. You can bet your ass that's precisely what I did. I'll still beat my cock on Virtual Real Porn when I'm ninety.
VRsmash supports all manner of headsets, including the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Windows Mixed Reality, and many smartphone players, such as the aforementioned Google Cardboard. They even have PSVR porn for video gamers.
Star Whores
Let's check out some of the cosplay content on Virtual Real Porn. You guys know that I love a good porn parody, so "Rogue Cum" caught my eye right away. As with the actual Star Wars movies, "Rogue Cum" takes place in a galaxy far, far away.
It's a period of terrible war. Rebels have just won their first battles against the evil empire, but the war isn't over yet. Soon dark forces attack you and your rebel comrade. At first, you fear for your lives, but these interlopers turn out to be sexy as fuck, and they don't have a war on their minds. These ladies are lovers, not fighters.
Instead of your lightsaber, you'll require your flesh saber. I hope you keep it sharp because these bitches want your essence. They plan on fucking the soul out of your flesh saber.
These ladies don't fuck around with being bottom bitches. They take turns climbing on top of your cock and riding it like a bucking bull. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, the bitches switch rolls, and you're fucking a new pussy all over again. If this was really happening to you fucks, you'd cum in under twenty seconds.
Virtual Real Porn is the future. Eventually, watching porn on screens will be a thing of the past. Personally, I look forward to fucking my Tesla Sex Robot while my VR Headset pumps Abella Danger's pussy directly into my visual processing center.
I'd love to see Virtual Real Porn develop an expansive content filter to make browsing even easier than it already is. After a decade on the market, they definitely have enough videos to justify the addition.
Don't waste another nut on some traditional porn videos. Instead, get a VR helmet and head to Virtual Real Porn now.
+Large selection
+Lifetime membership option
-Needs a more developed content filter
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