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I wasn't actually sure what to expect from this place when I first saw the site's name. Honestly, does the name Hreads give you any clue? Because it doesn't to me. If you told me I was about to see flying monkeys, I would believe you because that's how much information I had about this place. Anyway, it turns out to be a site dedicated to hentai comics.
Not only does this place offer plenty of hentai, but it also looks similar to many other sites I've seen before. You have the typical layout, so you'll know where to look for something. You won't have to waste time finding any type of hentai comic you enjoy reading.
Even though everything is in a visible place, there's one thing I don't like one bit. Why the fuck did they have to go with the light theme? You can't tell me there's one person out there who loves getting blinded by the bright white background. Those who love looking at bright light have some serious issues, but let's not get into that. I could talk shit about that for days.
I'd make sure to lower the brightness of my screen if I were to visit hreads.net in the middle of the night. You'll thank me later! I couldn't really focus on the content because of that shitty background, but I had a solution to that. If it weren't for an addon that turns the dark theme on automatically, I probably wouldn't be able to stay on this site for more than a couple of minutes.
Are there many comics?
It sucks that I don't have an answer to this question. It's all because of the design flaw. Instead of putting their content on multiple pages, they decided to leave it all in one place. However, it's not like you might imagine.
Instead of clicking on the next or the previous page, you have to use that shitty load more button. It would take hours to load the entire collection, and I wasn't planning on wasting any more time than necessary. So, is there a lot of stuff or not?
If I were to rely on the upload schedule, then I'd definitely say there are a lot of comics here. They add multiple chapters in a day, and if that was the case from the beginning, I have a feeling they created a pretty big collection. Of course, I can't even give you an estimate because there might be a few hundred comics, but there might as well be a few thousand. I guess we'll never know.
I think we all know that comics come with multiple chapters. Some of them have a lot more chapters than the other ones, and there can be multiple reasons for such a thing. For example, you might come across a comic that was short, meant to end early, and had only a few dozen chapters. The other reason might be that you come across a comic that's still pretty new, so they didn't have time to upload more chapters, but that doesn't mean they won't in the future.
The most chapters I've seen were 115. I didn't really look too hard to find the longest comic, to be perfectly honest. This was just the one that popped up, and I assumed it was one of the largest ones.
Other comics might not have over 100 chapters, but they certainly have enough to keep you busy for a while. There are comics with 30+, 40+, 60+, and even more chapters. You get my point, right?
List vs. page style
When you choose a comic you want to read, you'll have to pick between 2 styles. By default, you get the list style. This is when you see all the pages in one place. You have to scroll down to see more. I'm not the biggest fan of this style.
I'd much rather go with the paged style because it's much more convenient. You get only one page at a time, and once you are done with it, you switch to the next one. Doesn't that seem much better? Anyway, you are free to do whatever you want, so pick the style that suits you the most and get it over with.
Whether you decide to go one way or the other, you'll still be stuck with that bright white background. I thought maybe they would change it when you open a chapter, but I guess they decided to keep everything as bright as possible. This type of background really distracts you from the content, and that's not something you want.
Completed and OnGoing comics
Some of the comics have ended, and others are still going strong. I'd like to know if there are more in one or the other group, but I can't give you more information on that topic. Why? Well, because of that design flaw I mentioned before.
They could have added some sort of a counter, at least, so people would know what to expect. I don't have a problem with loading more content, but when I have to do it in order to get the total number of comics, I kind of do have a problem!
Pretty good quality
What's one of the most important things in hentai? Well, you have to get something that's interesting and looks good. You need to have both because one without the other doesn't make sense.
Imagine getting a hentai that's in the highest resolution possible, but the story sucks. It's the same if the quality was awful, but the story was mind-blowing. You get where I'm going with this. You need something that will keep people busy, and I think that's exactly the case here.
It all comes down to what you like to read. If you love watching busty anime chicks doing all kinds of naughty things, you'll find plenty of stuff to see here.
Some of the comics include a lot more nudity than the others, but you'll figure that out along the way. The good thing is that all comics are in English, so you will understand what's going on. I was afraid I would come across a site that offered Japanese or Chinese hentai that I wouldn't understand. If that were the case, I would only be able to look at images.
You don't even need an account
One of the things I really like about Hreads is that you don't need to waste any time finding something you like. There's no need to register, pay for some type of subscription, or do other stuff that sucks. You can do anything you want from the very first moment.
All you have to do is start looking in the right place, and once you find a comic you like, you can start reading it. Sounds simple enough?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention one thing. The only thing you can do is read comics online. If you want to download something, you won't be able to do so. I'm not sure why someone would even try downloading comics, but I just wanted to make sure we are on the same page. You can read as much stuff as you want, but if you want to keep something in your private stash, you'll have to look for another site that lets you do that.
Great comics, awful background
How the fuck can you focus on reading comics when you are blinded by the bright background all the time? They really thought it would be a great idea to put a bright white background instead of a nice black or gray one. Because of this design, you have to lower your brightness; otherwise, you won't be able to focus on the content.
I'm not sure how many comics they have because they made another design mistake. Instead of adding a counter or displaying comics across the pages, they decided to put everything in one place, but you have to keep loading it. The bottom line is that they really made it unnecessarily hard for you to look at their content. So, there might be a few hundred comics, but there might as well be over a thousand. I guess we'll never know.
All comics come with multiple chapters, so you'll have plenty of stuff to see. They have frequent uploads, so you'll see something new every day. Some comics have a lot more chapters than others, but even if you run out of chapters in one comic, you can always switch to another that's just as good. Although there are various comics available here, they really didn't think about adding categories or some other type of search that would help you find something you might like.
Great comics
Frequent uploads
Bright background
Unknown size of the collection
The interface is not user-friendly
43+ Manhwa Hentai Sites LIKE Hreads








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