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I know that in the world of comic book fans, enjoying an article, let alone an entire series, online is taboo. But not everyone has so many scruples when it comes to enjoying comics online, especially when it comes to those of the erotic variety.
I mean, I am sure you would feel a little uncomfortable if you saw someone popping a tent, even if it's the middle of the porn star, while casually reading smut. It's even more awkward when people start noticing, then you whip "it" out and start enjoying yourself, and the authorities certainly don't.
At least, that's what I have heard from certain people I know as friends. Distant friends. Anyway, having a good time with porno mag is in the privacy of your own home or where ever you can free the willy legally. As far as where to go online to find this material, I have my opinions about, and by the end of this review, you sure will, too. To find out if they are positive or negative, all you need to do is continue.
They Have Lots Of Categories You Might Not Know About
There are dozens of categories on this site, though it might be more appropriate to call them tags since they often overlap. Since there are so many, I'll only give you an idea of what just a few of the more interesting ones are.
School Life – I suppose I should say, at this point, I should mention the fact that not all of the content on this website is necessarily sexual. However, that is not to say that the tales set in university settings do not have any characters, giving it the ol' college try. The stories are pretty sophisticated but still move fast enough to keep your interest and in a heightened state of arousal.
Ecchi – While this term literally translates to "dirty" or "naughty," You might think that this means this is another generic sexual form of anime style, but you'd be wrong. In the past, it used to refer to forms of paraphilia and sexual "perversion" or might even involve hypnosis. Nowadays, it is a form of manga that will appeal to perverts who like to be teased.
In fact, you can even find ecchi-type media in mainstream anime like To Love Ru and Soul Eater. In those works of art, you'll see tits, ass, and even frontal nudity though the nipples and holes will be covered up by cleverly placed props, artistic effects, or objects in the foreground. In other cases, clothing like skimpy panties or other highly sexualized clothing. When it comes to this website's media, to start with is "AMU." In addition to being sexy, it is an action-packed adventure featuring a kick-ass heroine who is out for revenge. There are dozens of entries in the series, and it's light on text but heavy on gorgeous art, which has a strong BDSM kick to it.
Harem – This one is pretty easy to understand. The scenario always involves a lucky lad or lady with a ton of sex-starved freaks vying to get their hunger sated. At least in principle, since the plot always has a unique setup. As far as numbers, go this one has something like five hundred different series with great reviews.
One such example is "Shall We Got to The Ryokan Together?" whose title will make a lot more sense if you know that a ryokan is a sort of spa filled with communal baths. They also tend to wear traditional Japanese attire, though the characters in this series don't wear them for long. Another series which also has five stars too is "The Shop of Pleasure." It has a similar setting to "Ryokan," with the key difference being that the business establishment has far more glory holes.
Manhua & Manhwa – Referring to Korean and Chinese manga, respectively, both of these genres are quite similar to your typical erotic anime but with a breath of fresh cultural air. The stories are similar, and there are plenty of sex-centric plotlines, but the big draw for me is that the art styles are similar to hentai, just a little different. For those of you who are into Japanese erotica and are getting a little bored, this might be the style of comics to recharge your enthusiasm for the genre.
Yuri & Yaoi – For those who are not well versed in Japanese, yuri literally translates into "girl's love" but is not quite as shallow, or should I say as simplistic, as your typical lesbian raunchiness. That is not to say that these stories are devoid of doing the deed; there is plenty of that. What makes yuri so appealing both to men and particularly to women are the intense stories' romance.
You can probably now guess what yaoi is now. This genre is the sort of thing that will make most women into shameless, explicit mangas, and noses bleed. Meaning "boy love," yaoi has similar plot lines to yuri just, you know, gayer. I mean guy-gayer, or whatever the term is.
For those of you who like a mixture of story and sex, then either of these genres are for you.
The Comics Are Definitely For Accomplished Polyglots
It is interesting to see how the world is adapting to the internet's influence, especially when it comes to how people communicate. Sure, English is the lingua franca of the net, but hentai is known for being a Japanese thing.
Consequently, a lot of good hentai is only available in Japanese, which is great if you know the language, but if you are not, you're kind of screwed given how complicated the language is. Of course, there are an army of translators who have been adapting these many comics the translations are not always the best.
You can find plenty of English, Spanish, and even Arabic manga on this site, and sometimes the translation works; other times, it comes off as just awkward. If you are familiar with the reference, a lot of translations read like most mainstream manga circa 2005: clunky but still understandable. Also, there is no option to switch between different language options. There also is not any option to find the same manga in a different language, or at least not that I have seen.
At least the stellar artwork makes up for this.
Get An Account If You Want, Or Not But Here Is My Rating
This website does need to be touched up in a few different ways. I love the fact that they detail how many categories they have and all. But really, it is too much considering the fact that they appear on each and every page, including those that display individual comics themselves. I don't mind the fact that an entire book's panels will appear on that page, but it would be nice to have the option to load an entire panel and see it in one frame and be able to scroll to another one with the click of a button. Not everything is translated all that well, and the lack of reviews is concerning, too.
Still, you can't complain about getting free porn, and the sheer amount of it is impressive. There are literally hundreds of new releases coming out on a weekly basis. This one is going to get a rating of three and a half hands from me.
What I Like About Free Comics Online
-The artwork is always damn good in every single comic
-Most series have lots of chapters, with even more being released
-This site has an enormous number of porn and SFW genres
-They have had comics translated into multiple languages
-There is not a whole bunch of adverts on the website
What I Hate About Free Comics Online
-I don't think that there is not enough incentive to join up
-There should be a restructuring in the category display
-I wish that there were more ratings and a comments section
-It would be nice to see more translations in more languages
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