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Here's the deal. On one of my wild romps through the jungle of the internet, I tripped over a name that's quirkier than a one-legged hooker at a salsa dancing competition: Now, when you slap that "aholic" onto something, your mind might jump to folks who can't stay sober for five minutes or maybe those chocoholics who'd hump a chocolate fountain if they could. But in this corner of the web, we've got a different breed entirely – the foxaholics.
So, what's the deal with these foxaholics, you ask? Are they secretly binge-watching fox videos like it's the raciest content on the planet? Or are they setting up taxidermied foxes on the couch for Netflix and chill nights? Okay, okay, I'm just jerking your chain, but let me tell you, has one helluva catchy domain name. I've got a soft spot for sites clever enough to recognize the importance of a memorable domain name, and when you're smart, you earn a review from none other than yours truly, and that's a coveted accolade in this realm of adult entertainment.
1K stories on numerous topics
To be exact, at the time of this review was packing a solid collection of around 920 novels/stories. But, with updates dropping faster than a pornstar's knickers, that number's gonna skyrocket to over 1,000 before you know it. These fuckers are churning 'em out like there's no tomorrow.
Now, here's where my curiosity hit an all-time high: I was seriously concerned about hitting a brick wall when trying to access the good stuff, you know, those stories that make you forget the world exists. But lo and behold, I waltzed right in, no username, no password, no nothing. No bouncer at the door checking my credentials. You gotta love that shit!
So, what did I dive into? Well, I got myself into a story where some poor dude kicks the bucket and then gets reincarnated. Now, the twist is, the story's pulling the ultimate tease and not revealing if our dearly departed fella came back as a human, an alien, or maybe even a damn fox! The story's just like, "Hey, I'm outta here, catch you on the flip side," and leaves you hanging. Two minutes of my life down the drain, but hey, who doesn't love a good mystery?
Now, if you're wondering about the authors' game here, they're like a bunch of master storytellers on viagra. I spotted titles like "The Office's Secret Marriage," "A Poem of Eternal Love," and "The Little Ginseng is Super Sticky." That last one, folks, sounds like it's got some wild tales to tell. And the cherry on top? It's all free! You can gobble up these stories to your heart's content. So, if you're looking to dive into some mind-bending tales without any pesky paywalls,'s got your back.
Help the page grow
Listen up, champ! Let's get one thing straight: those stories over at They're about as free as the air you're breathing, and nobody's strong-arming you for a single red cent. No forms to fill, no secret handshakes, no limitations, no judgment, no strings attached.
Now, before you start thinking these websites run on dreams and rainbows, let me burst your bubble. They need cold, hard cash to keep the lights on, the servers purring like content foxes, and the whole operation from going belly up. So, yeah, wouldn't mind a little green love from you. A couple of bucks on Patreon or a credit card splash – they're not asking for your kidney, just a little support to keep the shit from hitting the ceiling.
Now, let's talk about this "discord server" thing. Picture it as the secret club where all the cool foxes hang out, swapping tales, sharing their craziest ideas, and having a good ol' chinwag. It's like a virtual disco for fans and creators to shoot the breeze, report glitches, or just dish about the latest plot twists. So, if you spot something fishy or fancy being part of the in-crowd, saunter over to the foxaholic discord server and dive into the real deal – it's like hitting the after-party of the internet. The joint where the true action unfolds.
Let's address the obvious
Now, onto the obvious, the design. I'm gonna use the word "cute" here, but you be the judge if cute vibes with the site's grown-up theme. Personally, I'm kinda feeling that fox logo and the zesty orange hue they've slapped on the main menu. It gives the whole place a crisp, clean look. No ads popping up like unwanted party crashers, no shady redirects – it's a breath of fresh air in the smutty web universe. And it's the kind of place that makes you consider tossing a few bucks their way to keep things looking as sharp as they do.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not over the moon about the design, but it's user-friendly and bullshit-free. Plus, there are some handy filters that'll be your trusty guide in this massive maze of over 1,000 stories. Right at the top, you can sort 'em any way you like – check out the latest releases, hit up the top-rated stuff, or dive into the most-viewed tales. And if you're feeling picky about the lingo, there's a nifty dropdown menu at the top where you can select your language poison – Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, or Thai.
Now, here's the fun part: they've got this "By Status" thing going on. You can take your pick between ongoing or finished stories. But, before you go all nuts, let me tell you that is a hub for hobbyist translators. So, you might bump into some language quirks and hiccups, but trust me, as a connoisseur of poorly translated novels, those slip-ups can add a sprinkle of humor to the mix. Nothing better that rolling on the floor from laughter while that boner of yours just won't quit. Man, I love hobbyist translators!
The more the merrier
In the world of adult content, it's all about "the more, the merrier," and don't even think about trying to sell me on the idea that solo is hotter than a full-blown gangbang – no dice! Now, that same rule applies to the info on the sites, especially when they're not serving up flashy trailers and shit. What I'm getting at is that is putting in some serious elbow grease to give you the full scoop on each and every novel. You get the lowdown on the number of eyeballs that have ogled each story, the unsung hero who translated it, the mastermind behind the tale, a rundown of categories and genres, and even its current status. Neat shit!
But here's the cherry on top: you can show your love for a story by picking out a smiley to match your mood. It's like leaving your sticky mark, letting the world know what gave you a raging boner. Now, even though there isn't a proper forum section or a virtual water cooler to gather around, you can still feel that sense of community. And that, my friends, is pure gold in the world of filth.
See, when it comes to this kind of stuff, it's not just about getting your rocks off (although that's part of it). It's also about sharing the love, discussing your favorite plots, or simply giving a virtual high-five to fellow freaks. It's that connection that makes the smut world feel more like a vibrant, kinky neighborhood than a solo expedition. And at, they've got that sense of community nailed down, making it a pretty inviting place to explore and interact.
This is the end is a hidden freakin' gem in the maze of online smut. The design might be "cute" for some, but who gives a damn when it's got everything you need and none of those annoying ads or sneaky tricks to get in your pants. And speaking of getting in your pants, this place spills all the naughty deets on every story. You'll know exactly how many folks are gettin' hot and bothered by the same tale, who's behind the curtain making the magic happen, and all the kinks and quirks of each story.
You'll find a shitload of categories and genres to tickle your balls, and you can even show your love with a freakin' smiley. But hey, don't expect a full-blown online orgy in a forum section - that's not their style. But the sense of community is there, simmering beneath the surface. It's not just about the content, but about the shared thrill, the hot discussions, and the bond that makes the whole adventure a whole lot juicier.
So, if you're looking for a raunchy site that understands your needs and want to show you that novels are as hot as hardcore porn, you've found your fix. And, fuckers, don't forget to donate! I rest my case!
ThePornDude likes's:
Around 1K stories in total
A bullshit-free design
Lots of info on each novel
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