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Gelbooru Gifs
Gelbooru has animated gifs galore, which shouldn’t come as any surprise given the site’s overall premise and theme. Ironically, the name either tells you that or it doesn’t tell you shit, depending on how familiar you are with internet weeb culture in general. While the word might sound like utter nonsense to the kind of people who get laid on the regular, the “booru” part of the title tells you this one’s an imageboard.
I’m sure you already knew that, at least if you’re wearing a fedora, rocking a neckbeard or cuddling with your waifu pillow in your mom’s basement. is actually one of the more popular imageboards running on a modified Danbooru platform, with over 20 million freaks, geeks, nerds and dorks stopping by every month. They’ve got a whole section devoted to sexy animated gifs, and I just happen to be in the mood for some good hentai. Let’s see what I can find.
What Are These Booru Nerds Up To?
I always try to mention a site’s traffic in the intro to any review, mainly because it’s a good way of gauging the popularity of any free tube, paysite or sex blog. In the case of Gelbooru, though, those 20 million monthly viewers are a lot more important than they would be on a site like Pornhub or my own PornDudeCasting. Imageboards are user-driven affairs; more traffic means more free hentai.
These pervs are an active bunch. sees a basically nonstop stream of posts all day. You can refresh their All Posts page every few minutes and find new artwork every time. They don’t include timestamps on the posts, so it’s hard to get a feel for just how quickly they’re coming in, but it’s a rapid clip.
Most of the new additions ain’t animated, though. To complicate the matter, the ones that are animated tend to fall into different piles with different tags. It’s a common issue on hentai sites, since they tend to have such extensive lists of user-added tags, though Gelbooru is far from the worst offender.
If you follow my link, that’ll send you to the Animated_Gif aisle. You’ll also find moving pictures filed under Animated, Video, and Sound. If you poke around other corners of the site, you’ll probably find even more animated gifs that simply weren’t tagged into the correct sections.
The multiple aisles of similar content also makes it difficult to get a full count of the animated gifs on the imageboard. Between the Animated and Animated_Gifs sections, there are just over 300,000 of those sexy little hentai animation loops. That’s a number that’s just going to keep expanding rapidly, so it’s almost guaranteed to be much bigger by the time you go take a fap for yourself.
Animated Hentai Girls Doing Nasty Things
One of the best things about any site with user uploads is that you end up sampling the sexual fantasies of everyone else using the site. Hentai sites tend to have an even wider variety of material than your average free tube. If you’re drawing your own smut, you don’t have the same concerns I do running a site like PornDudeCasting. You don’t have to worry about your budget, convincing pornstars to try kinky shit, catering to the fantasies of your viewers, or even the very laws of nature. has animated gifs of all kinds of freaky, kinky, sexy fun. The vast majority of posts are hentai, though you’ll also find a bit of nudie video game graphics, some Western-style sex animations and gifs taken from Japanese Adult Video (JAV). It’s pretty obvious what kind of folks are using the site, so it seems like we’re in good company, huh?
The most recent animated additions to the site include boob flashing, purple-haired lesbians grinding their naked bodies together, POV doggystyle and anime blowjobs. There are girls stripping, gender-swapped Naruto parodies humping, and a JAV moment of a spectacled nerd eyeballing a babe with an enormous rack.
I’m actually giving you a lopsided view of the joint here, because that’s just some of the more vanilla material uploaded recently. Users have also injected the site with fresh doses of BBW squirting, inflating boobs, furry sex and tentacle rape. I also found a gif of a dude getting his face beaten bloody by a woman’s ass and a fat futanari beating off to porn.
The Gelbooru search function works like a fucking charm, and it might be a better way of perusing the animated stash than just flipping through the newest uploads. Try typing Animated or Animated_Gif into the bar along with your favorite sex act, character or fetish. In a matter of seconds, I found moving gifs of footjobs, fat girls, futas and lesbians. users are largely a bunch of fucking deviates, which I just think comes with the territory on any hentai site. That said, it's not strictly a NSFW platform. A lot of manga fans are just uploading their favorite shit, regardless of whether or not you can jack off to it. Mixed in with the animated gifs of anime sex are wholesome Pokemon moments, video game cutscenes, and anime girls dancing with all their clothes on.
Hypnotized by Sexy Animated Gifs
I’ve always felt like there was something hypnotic about the gif format. Even a SFW animation has a rhythm to the way it loops, and sex gifs infuse that repetition with enough glimpses of flesh to get the horny monkey part of your brain all excited. When those sex gifs consist of hentai, the bright colors add another layer to that mind-melting fun.
Then again, maybe it’s just the bong hits talking. Do you ever hear a silent gif or am I just stoned? I swear, I hear this tiny little “whoosh” every couple seconds as this redheaded hentai babe lifts her top and exposes her tits again, and again, and again, and again…
I refreshed the animated_gif page of once again and got a couple new bits of porno animation to whack off to, as well as some little cosplay loops of a girl in a white wig and black bodysuit. She’s a white girl and I’d bet any money she’s got a fapworthy OnlyFans, but alas, the poster has not provided a link.
Fap testing an imageboard like Gelbooru is different from a video site. On a tube or paysite, I’d pull up a movie and settle in with the lube. It’s a little more complicated when I’m beating off to pictures. I have to click from image to image with one hand, beat off with another, and type with a third. Unfortunately, my home surgery didn’t work out as I’d hoped, and the donor arm is now rotting in my bathtub.
I started on a loop of a pink-haired MILF squirting as she gets pounded with cock. From there, I followed the More Like This section to a similar gif. This time, though, the babe’s got her hands over her mouth, trying to be quiet because another chick is sleeping beside her. A thumbnail below that one led to me a relatively wholesome gif of a cute anime girl flashing her panties.
“I love a girl who likes to share,” writes a commenter below the panty-flashing chick. Like any good imageboard, one of the strengths of Gelbooru is their massive and enthusiastic community. That said, I didn’t find anything terribly interesting among all the chatter going on in the comments. It’s mainly weebs talking about how horny they are. The community’s strength here lies in their constant posting of fresh material.
Say what you will about the kind of nerds who hang out on, but here you are, and why? It’s because of all those free animated hentai gifs. I think the site’s going to appeal most strongly to those who embrace the imageboard format and who want to dive in, sharing their personal library of adult anime with the rest of the class. At the same time, the site’s organization and anything-goes approach to content makes it a worthwhile masturbatory stop for the hentai fan in search of hidden gems they’ve been unable to find elsewhere.
ThePornDude likes Gelbooru/animated_gif’s
imageboard with extensive animated gif section
fresh content added all the time
30,000+ animated gifs
wide, freaky range of material
ThePornDude hates Gelbooru/animated_gif’s
some sfw animated gifs mixed in with the dirty stuff
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