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Interactive POV
Porn keeps getting more and more interactive with each passing year. For many moons, the only way a man could control the outcome of his porn was if he read a naughty choose-your-own-adventure book. But what man wants to fucking jerk off to a choose-your-own-adventure book? What is this, "The Animorphs?"
The Hunt for Interactive Porn
But unfortunately, there was no alternative on VHS. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried, but imagine how inconvenient that shit would be. For those too young to remember, scrubbing through a VHS tape was a difficult and time-consuming process. Plus, you never knew exactly where you were on the tape.
Betamax and Laser Disc did little to solve the problem. It wasn't until the advent of the DVD that choose-your-own-adventure videos became somewhat feasible, although still not slick.
The DVDs had people skip to different chapters depending on their choices, which was a vast improvement on VHS tapes, but still far from convenient. Chapter selection was too harsh an interruption. It upset men's stroke rhythm, and we all know how vital a solid rhythm is.
Even the internet couldn't bring the dream of choose-your-own-adventure videos to life. It doesn't get more convenient than scrubbing through a video with your mouse, but it still feels shoddy. It doesn't feel like control. It feels like extra steps before you get to blow a load.
If you really wanted that realistic interactive feel, phone sex was your best bet. Phone sex lines were huge back in the 90s and early 2000s. If you stayed up late enough, you could watch the commercials, which were just dirty enough to warrant a fap.
Listen. Phone sex lines are awesome. I've gotten plenty of use out of them over the years and have known some talented voices. However, the fact still remains that there is no visual aspect to phone sex, and men are visual creatures. That's the way it is, and it isn't changing anytime soon.
As internet porn took up more and more of the internet, POV sprang up as a popular category. POV films are shot as if the camera is your eyes. They put you in the driver's seat as the well-endowed stunt cock.
There is a reason POV is so popular. It enhances the fantasy and immersion. You can almost feel like you're the one fucking Elsa Jean's tiny tight pussy.
The only problem is that you have no control whatsoever. You can pretend you do, but the content was filmed long ago, and you're just along for the ride.
The Streaming Revolution
The world rejoiced when live streaming became a thing. People pretended it would be a revolution in entertainment and communication, but we all know what was really on folk's minds: Porn. Finally, a medium that could provide genuine interaction between the performer and the masturbator.
Live-streaming porn sites skyrocketed in popularity. It was one of the fastest-growing trends in porn to ever happen. Now every porn site has either its own streaming service or heavily advertises one of the major names, such as Chaturbate.
However, interacting with performers on live-streaming sites is not free. On many sites, you can sit back and enjoy the action for no charge, but if you want to get in on the action, it will cost you.
At first, it won't seem that expensive, but if you jerk off even an eighth of the amount I do, those costs rack up quickly. My readers don't have massive bank accounts. As much as you'd like to, you can't spend all that hard-earned dough on masturbation alone.
Plus, typing in requests doesn't feel as interactive as I want it to. I can't pay attention to a bitch flicking the bean, type the words "flicking the bean," and jerk off all at the same time. Who do I look like, Newton? It really takes me out of the moment.
If money isn't an issue, you can get a private show and talk to a cunt. This is as interactive as it gets in the live-streaming world. You can literally tell a cunt what to do, and she's doing it three seconds later. I'm not going to lie. It's pretty fucking awesome.
The only problem is that most live-streaming shows are a solo endeavor. Bitches will tease, strip, and masturbate all day long, but if you're trying to see some fucking, it's few and far between. I don't know about you, but I like to see people bang.
Even if a stream contains banging, it's clearly not you doing it. Rarely do I see folks doing a proper POV stream. The best you get is a vibe that says the stunt cock doesn't have a tripod, so he's awkwardly holding the camera.
True Interaction
What if someone combined the best aspects of POV porn and live streaming? How fucking cool would that be? Well, guess what. Someone did, and it's creatively titled Interactive POV.
Leave passive porn in the dust. That shit is so 2010s. This is the 2020s, baby. Get with the fucking program. Interactive POV could be the future of porn. I'll guess it's a transitory technology that, when combined with virtual reality, will take over the porn world in a few years.
But my readers aren't normal masturbators. You guys want in on the ground floor, and this is it. You'll never go back to traditional porn again. Who the fuck would?
One of my favorite aspects of Interactive POV is that it's designed for mobile use. You will never have a better time jerking off on your phone or tablet than with Interactive POV. If you don't have a tablet, you should buy one just for this shit.
Make it Your Own
Interactive POV allows you to create your own porn scenes. The options seem limitless. Each scene has up to one hundred and ten unique actions you can take. The responses are immediate with exactly zero delays, just like in real life. Simply select a body part, choose an action to do with said body part, and watch the And as you turn your partner on, you'll unlock new shit to do. Scenes contain up to an hour and a half of content. Plenty to keep you coming back to your favorite scenes again and again. Even the main menu is interactive.
Are you feeling romantic? Then why not take a gentle approach with leisurely foreplay, intimate making out, and whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
Or are you feeling more naughty? Maybe it's time to grab a bitch by the throat, throw her over the counter, and plow her asshole like it's the planting season. Sluts don't deserve respect. They only deserve dick.
Perhaps you'd like to feel dominant for once in your life. That shit certainly never happens in the real world. Sounds like some ropes and cuffs are in order. Your partner has been bad and needs a spanking. Perhaps you should use a whip or crop. No sense in hurting your hand.
The best part is that all those options can be available in one scene. You don't have to swap between vanilla and fetish scenes. Just take the current one in a new direction.
You better ensure your door is locked before you hit up Interactive POV. The content is so engrossing and immersive that you wouldn't notice if your whole family walked in the room and busted you busting. The only thing a man can think about when he's on Interactive POV is the task at hand. (Pun intended)
Safe and Secure
Speaking of getting busted, Interactive POV runs a tight ship. They understand that porn is a personal matter. That's why Interactive POV is a web app that requires no downloads. They keep the place clean of spyware, viruses, ads, and cookies. They won't even track your data. Not too many sites can say that anymore, porn or otherwise.
If you don't have the newest and most powerful phone, don't worry. All content is offered in low, medium, and HD resolution. They don't want you missing out just cause you're still using an original iPhone.
Despite all the fantastic features of Interactive POV, it's not expensive. There aren't endless in-app purchases interrupting your good time. Full scenes start at only $1.50. That's fucking nothing.
Interactive POV has raised the bar. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the future. Porn will never be the same. Experience how "The Jetsons" masturbate before the flying car exists.
One thing I look forward to Interactive POV adding is voice commands. I can't wait to yell, "Grab that cunt's titty," and see it happen on screen. I bet that update isn't far off.
Interactive POV might be as close as my readers ever get to fucking, so don't deprive yourself a moment longer.
+Represents the future of porn
+Tons of ways to interact
+Designed for mobile
-Looking forward to voice commands
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