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Have you ever been surfing around the web and seen advertisements for computer-made carnal content of one kind or another? Maybe it was for 3D video games, CGI picture galleries, or video porn parodies of popular anime characters, you know what I am talking about.
You might have wondered how people were able to create such crazy realistic, raunchy media and want to know how you can create that are on that level. Even if you do, you might want a few pointers about how to improve your existing smutty skill set.
Even if you are neither of those people and want to see even more of this sort of sexy stuff spread all over the net, then continue reading. Smut Base is a place in cyberspace you need to know about.
What Smut Base Is And Who It Is For
Okay, the name of the website and a first look at its homepage, you might be a little confused by what you see compared to the title. After all, Smut Base's thumbnails are not exactly packed with a plethora of porn or anything, but there are some pics that are certainly erotic.
The point of this website is really for geeks, specifically those who are looking to learn how to create hyper-realistic erotica models, often using SFM β or Source Filmmaker. But there is even more to this website than that. In fact, I would say that anyone who is looking to get better at designing 3D character models for any purpose.
But they go even further than that. For instance, there are guides on how to not just design but how to properly animate your figures, use Blender for things like facial animations, and develop clothing simulations. Then you can also learn how to do all sorts of debugging and incorporate voice acting.
As to be expected, there are plenty of tutorials on how to simulate sex using these wonderfully rendered characters. It does not matter what sort of sexy stuff you want to create. There are even walkthroughs of how to create futunari females, just look up ciribestgirl's post called "Attaching Hotdogs in Blender."
These tutorials give you a rating of how good your skills need to be, as in beginner, intermediate, or advanced. However, a lot of these are so simple even noobs can figure out how to do everything I mentioned above. Moreover, there are several tutorials that are highly detailed yet also technically safe for work since they are YouTube videos. And you can tell how comprehensive a tutorial is by checking the comments.
They Are Still Improving This Experience
To be clear, this website's service is almost entirely free, and there are almost no adverts either. The only thing that they charge is three cents to deliver you a one-gigabyte file. If you want to improve this website and see it expand, then they are accepting donations.
After all, they are currently doing twenty terabytes of traffic a month and trying to grow. This is particularly critical now, seeing as they are still improving the website's construction. Specifically, they still have yet to fully integrate a category page and tags to make finding them easier.
If You Have Money, You'll Get Access To Even More
All they are asking for is about five American dollars a month from only a small percentage of their users could keep this website going and getting better forever. If you feel so obliged to support Snut Base, then there are three ways you can do so. If you like to send secure payment discreetly, then they do accept cryptocurrency.
You can also become a Subscribe Star or Patreon supporter there are a few benefits.
As far as Patreon goes, being only a $ 3-a-month supporter gets the site's ads removed, but there are not that many. If you upgrade to giving $2 more than that, then you get to be able to download content even faster and access the Smut Base Discord server. And at $9.50 being given every thirty days, you'll get all of this and your name (or your company's brand) on their special thanks page.
Those same perks can be accessed through their Subscribe Star page also, though you'll have to spend $6 for the second tier of benefits and $12 for the highest level of rewards.
There Are A Few Details To Note When Signing Up
The signup is pretty much the same as any other free site, but there are a few things that you should know first. You can use Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and other free email service providers, but they are "highly discouraged." Disposable emails are prohibited outright. You will get your confirmation email in about ten minutes unless Smut Base's server is getting a lot of traffic, and so you might only receive that email in as much as 48 hours.
To all of the three types of people reading, I hope that I tried to satisfy your curiosity and given you good reasons to share this review with your friends. Even if you think they might not appreciate Smut Base for what it is, you never know. It is good to make waves, especially when you consider the fact that this is a four out of five hand site.
Seriously, anyone can use this website. As they put it, all you need is a brain that works, beginner computer skills and an understanding of Blender, and a PC that can run that software. So then, sail on over and give this site a shot.
What I Like About Smut Base
-This is a unique site for creating erotic 3D characters
-They provide excellent tutorials for how to get started
-Even if you know about computer design, this site can help
-They have a fine Discord server for technical questions
-This site's services are entirely free to use
What I Hate About Smut Base
-As of this publication, they are still improving this website
-So far, they still do not have a category page or a sophisticated search engine
-They are still adding applicable tags to user-generated work
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